
My use case is to upgrade the nifi cluster from 1.8 to 1.12.1 with state (we
are using external zookeeper and its 3 node cluster ).

So the approach I followed ,
-> created 3 node linux box and installed nifi 1.12.1 & zookeeper 3.5.8
-> brought  the flow.xml.gz, users.xml and authorization.xml from old 1.8
env to newly created 1.12 cluster.(Both cluster are in different linux box)
-> Then followed with the use of zk-migrator.sh utility to create a
zk-source-data.json in dev 1.8 env and applying it in 1.12 cluster to apply
the states.

Everything is fine with the above approach and state is captured in the

I am seeing another wired behaviour which  is , *without*
using zk-migrator.sh the state is captured properly by bringing just the

-> created 3 node linux box and installed nifi 1.12.1 & zookeeper 3.5.8
-> brought  the flow.xml.gz, users.xml and authorization.xml from old 1.8
env to newly created 1.12 cluster. and i have *not* used zk-migrator.sh
utility in in newly created 1.12.1 env.
-> When i am seeing processors like ListS3, Listsftp, the state id is
captured properly in newly created 1.12.1 env, also when i run
the processor it is pulling the  data after the captured timestamp only
,which is perfect.

Could someone help me to understand how the state id is captured in
the lists3 processor in 1.12.1 env, because i am seeing its not present in
 Does it mean we can migrate the state by just bringing the flow.xml file
without using zk-migrator.sh utilyty ?
 one more question where does the zk-migrator.sh utility write the states
in the destination cluster in the external zookeper configuration
Is it inside /nifi/state/locale/* ?

Thanks in advance,
Sanjeet Kumar Rath,

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