Please avoid 1.13.1. Grab 1.13.2

On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 11:33 PM Hendrik Ruijter <> wrote:

> [Sending again since I cannot see this mail in the archive]
> Hello, ExtractText 1.12.1 evaluates the regex for each flowfile and adds
> attributes to each flowfile. However, ExtractText 1.13.1 appears to
> evaluate the regex for the first flowfile only adding the same attributes
> to all flowfiles.
> Use case is a CSV file with content,
> 39204375,1583254
> 39089067,1559876
> 39192276,1548472
> 38915030,1575858
> 38918361,1538764
> 39190165,1549728
> 39090656,1569006
> 39147201,1549234
> 39183889,1569924
> 39101853,1566678
> where 39204375,1583254 are added as attributes to all 10 flowfiles by
> ExtractText 1.13.1.
> SplitText, Line Split Count = 1
> ExtractText,
> Best Regards

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