Hi There,

I am in the process of upgrading the version of the nifi-nar-bundle from 1.9.2 
to 1.12.1 however I’ve hit a unexpected issue.

We develop on an offline platform, with Maven Central Mirrored using a Nexus 
Repository Manager, with all dependencies delivered through this mechanism. 
Today when I have changed the version from 1.9.2 to 1.12.1 I have found that 
the parent (I assume for the groovy processor) has a dependency on 
groovy-eclipse-batch version 2.5.4-01 which seems to be only available from a 
Groovy Repository (https://dl.bintray.com/groovy/maven/) and not maven central.

I also noticed that bintray will be closing shortly  
 so I guess the dependency will need correcting before then?

Kind Regards,


Nathan English
Applications Specialist - Cyber Delivery & DevOps

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