
After upgrading to Nifi  1.13.2 from Nifi 1.9.2, I notice a problem with 
DBCPConnectionPool, several connections remain on pool above 'Max Idle 
Connections' number after the 'Minimum Evictable Idle Time' is passed'.

To reproduce the issue  I use a simple flow:  ExecuteSql (Concurrent Tasks:10) 

On Execute Sql:
Database Connection Pooling Service  : XPTO-CQ
select query                                        : select count(*) as cont 
from Table

On pool XPTO-CQ :
Database Connection URL                               jdbc:xxx:thin://xpto:10800
Database Driver Class Name                           org.apache.somedriver
Validation query                                               select 1
Minimum Idle Connections                               0
Max Idle Connections                                      8
Max Connection Lifetime                                  -1
Time Between Eviction Runs                            -1
Minimum Evictable Idle Time                           1 mins
Soft Minimum Evictable Idle Time                     -1

After run ExecuteSql several times the number of connections ESTABLISHED, using 
netstat -na | grep 10800 is above 8 and never be destroyed. The unique 
workaround I founded to avoid a rise in connections was to put 'Max Idle 
Connections' to 0, in practice not use the pool at all.


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