ok Luca,

I really can tell you more without using a template with your exact
configuration, and to your api.  All I can do is call aws myself and it

From: Luca Giovannini <luca.giovann...@dedagroup.it>
Reply: users@nifi.apache.org <users@nifi.apache.org> <users@nifi.apache.org>
Date: June 28, 2021 at 06:34:14
To: users@nifi.apache.org <users@nifi.apache.org> <users@nifi.apache.org>
Subject:  R: How to access to an Amazon API?

Hi Otto,

and thank you for your analysis.

I am pretty sure though that both region and resource are correct and
working (I have tested them with success with Postman), it must mean that I
am doing something wrong in configuring the InvokeAWSGatewayApi processor,
even if I can’t imagine what.

Anyway, I have found an alternative solution using an ExecuteProcess
processor to send the API request call via a python script, based on this
example here:


where I use the following parameters (plus Access Key and Secret Key):


method = 'GET'

service = 'execute-api'

host = 'zsslnu1awf.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com'

region = 'eu-west-1'

endpoint = 'https://zsslnu1awf.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/prod/test

request_parameters = ''

Thank you,


*Luca Giovannini*
Information Systems Analyst
*Dedagroup Public Services*


T + | M +39.347.799.3183 | VoIP 951.128
Dedagroup Public Services Srl – Sede di Casalecchio di Reno, Via del Lavoro



*Da:* Otto Fowler <ottobackwa...@gmail.com>
*Inviato:* venerdì 18 giugno 2021 20:50
*A:* users@nifi.apache.org
*Oggetto:* Re: How to access to an Amazon API?


I have a setup of the petstore sample from aws:

The only way that I can reproduce your issue is if:

a. the region is incorrect

b. the resource is wrong

If I have those correct, then I get the api response I expect

Standard FlowFile Attributes

Key: 'entryDate'

                Value: 'Fri Jun 18 14:45:57 EDT 2021'

Key: 'lineageStartDate'

                Value: 'Fri Jun 18 14:45:57 EDT 2021'

Key: 'fileSize'

                Value: '184'

FlowFile Attribute Map Content

Key: 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'

                Value: '*'

Key: 'Connection'

                Value: 'keep-alive'

Key: 'Content-Length'

                Value: '184'

Key: 'Content-Type'

                Value: 'application/json'

Key: 'Date'

                Value: 'Fri, 18 Jun 2021 18:45:57 GMT'

Key: 'X-Amzn-Trace-Id'

                Value: '

Key: 'aws.gateway.api.endpoint'

                Value: 'execute-api'

Key: 'aws.gateway.api.resource'

                Value: '/pets'

Key: 'aws.gateway.api.status.code'

                Value: '200'

Key: 'aws.gateway.api.status.message'

                Value: 'OK'




    "id": 1,

    "type": "dog",

    "price": 249.99



    "id": 2,

    "type": "cat",

    "price": 124.99



    "id": 3,

    "type": "fish",

    "price": 0.99



On Jun 18, 2021, at 13:00, Luca Giovannini <luca.giovann...@dedagroup.it>

Thank you for your help, Otto!

In the meantime I thought to get around the obstacle by trying to reach the
API via a python script using the AWS SDK (to be then run by NiFi in an
ExecuteScript processor), but that proved to be not at all straightforward
and I am still struggling. The closest thing I found to a short example on
how to do this is the following:

I will try to adapt it to my case and hope it works.

But this leaves me with a big question:

I HAVE to be doing something wrong myself with the InvokeAWSGatewayApi… how
can it be that nobody else has had my problem?

It seems to me that I am using it for such a simple request! Nobody in the
NiFi community has ever used it to access to a ‘execute-api’ resource in
the ‘eu-west-1’ region? Really?

Or am I not understanding the error that I am getting?

Sorry, I am a little frustrated by this… any insight will be really
appreciated! 😊

Thank you all very much,


*Luca Giovannini*
Information Systems Analyst
*Dedagroup Public Services*


T + | M +39.347.799.3183 | VoIP 951.128
Dedagroup Public Services Srl – Sede di Casalecchio di Reno, Via del Lavoro



*Da:* Otto Fowler <ottobackwa...@gmail.com>
*Inviato:* mercoledì 16 giugno 2021 21:37
*A:* users@nifi.apache.org
*Oggetto:* Re: How to access to an Amazon API?

I hope to be able to try it tomorrow.

On Jun 16, 2021, at 09:01, Luca Giovannini <luca.giovann...@dedagroup.it>

Thank you Otto,

please let me know if you need any additional information to set up the
processor with my configuration!

Just an additional element: I cloned the flow in a different machine with
NiFi 1.11.4 on it and the same exact problem shows up (same error in logs,
same absence of the raw API call in the provenance data).

Thank you again for the help you might be able to provide me…I am really
stuck here! ☹


*Luca Giovannini*
Information Systems Analyst
*Dedagroup Public Services*


T + | M +39.347.799.3183 | VoIP 951.128
Dedagroup Public Services Srl – Sede di Casalecchio di Reno, Via del Lavoro



*Da:* Otto Fowler <ottobackwa...@gmail.com>
*Inviato:* martedì 15 giugno 2021 17:04
*A:* users@nifi.apache.org
*Oggetto:* Re: How to access to an Amazon API?

That error means that we passed info into AWS api ( asked the region to
find the resource ) and it said nope, and tried to guess.

I would have to try to setup the processor with your configuration ( enough
to try to parse, ok if it fails later because of cred or whatever ).

On Jun 15, 2021, at 06:26, Luca Giovannini <luca.giovann...@dedagroup.it>

Thank you Otto,

I can confirm that the resource API is correct: I tested it successfully
with Postman by doing a GET on the request URL (
) and providing AccessKey, SecretKey and AWS Region in the “Authorization”
tab of the Postman client.

I also checked log/nifi-app.log and the only informative line that I found

*2021-06-15 11:59:24,046 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-8]
c.a.i.DefaultServiceEndpointBuilder {execute-api, eu-west-1} was not found
in region metadata, trying to construct an endpoint using the standard
pattern for this region: 'execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com

Which seems to indicate that the processor is not using the endpoint I
provided as parameter (

I also checked the provenance data (both from the “Provenance” button of
the output FlowFile listing and from the “Data Provenance” element of the
main menu) for records of the call, but I could not find any provenance
data at all for the processor InvokeAWSGatewayApi under scrutiny (my flow
right now is made up just by that processor alone and a LogMessage one).

Is this new information shedding any more light on the problem for you?

Thank you very much,


*Luca Giovannini*
Information Systems Analyst
*Dedagroup Public Services*


T + | M +39.347.799.3183 | VoIP 951.128
Dedagroup Public Services Srl – Sede di Casalecchio di Reno, Via del Lavoro



*Da:* Otto Fowler <ottobackwa...@gmail.com>
*Inviato:* lunedì 14 giugno 2021 19:48
*A:* users@nifi.apache.org
*Oggetto:* Re: How to access to an Amazon API?

**ATTENZIONE** Questo messaggio proviene da un ACCOUNT ESTERNO, presta
attenzione ad eventuali link o allegati al suo interno.

You should also confirm the resource api you are trying to call is correct.

On Jun 14, 2021, at 12:04, Luca Giovannini <luca.giovann...@dedagroup.it>

Hello everybody!

I have no experience with Amazon services but I now have to access to an
API hosted on AWS.

I have been given the following parameters:

   - HTTP Method                                                  GET
   - Amazon Region                                               eu-west-1
   - Access Key ID                                                   ****
   (hidden but known)
   - Secret Access Key                                       **** (hidden
   but known)
   - Amazon Gateway Api ResourceName    /test
   - Amazon Gateway Api Endpoint

I have used the “InvokeAWSGatewayApi” and set the previous 6 parameters
(and only those), but I got {"message": "Internal server error"} as an

Maybe I did not format the ResourceName correctly (I see here [*] that the
ResourceName is usually much longer)?

I am using NiFi 1.12.1.

Thank you very much for your help!

Luca Giovannini


*Luca Giovannini*
Information Systems Analyst
*Dedagroup Public Services*


T + | M +39.347.799.3183 | VoIP 951.128
Dedagroup Public Services Srl – Sede di Casalecchio di Reno, Via del Lavoro



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