
Did you try to tune Max Timer Driven Thread : 100

Set this value to  (number of cores per node) * (number of nodes) i.e. 48 *13 = 



> On Jun 29, 2021, at 9:32 PM, Modepalli Venkata Avinash 
> <modepalli.avin...@subex.com> wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> Thanks for your feedback.
> It’s deployed by using Hortonworks stack, so if we have to upgrade our NIFI 
> then we might have to upgrade entire stack. Also we have some integrations 
> done to NIFI using REST API along with some custom processors. 
> We have plans to upgrade down the lane, but not immediately due to above 
> challenges.
> We have almost 5-10M flow files in queues while bringing up NIFI. However, we 
> are observing this issue even with lesser number of flow files also.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Avinash M V
> From: Joe Witt <joe.w...@gmail.com <mailto:joe.w...@gmail.com>> 
> Sent: 29 June 2021 17:15
> To: users@nifi.apache.org <mailto:users@nifi.apache.org>
> Cc: Modepalli Venkata Avinash <modepalli.avin...@subex.com 
> <mailto:modepalli.avin...@subex.com>>
> Subject: Re: Taking Huge Time for Connect all Nodes to NIFI cluster
> CAUTION: This e-mail originated from outside of the organization. Do not 
> click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the 
> content is safe.
> Hello
> A cluster that size should be fine. We did make various improvement to 
> cluster behavior and startup times though.  What prevents you from moving to 
> 1.13?
> How many flowfiles are in the repo when restarting is taking that long? 
> thanks
> On Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 7:38 AM Joe Obernberger <joseph.obernber...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:joseph.obernber...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Impressive cluster size!  I do not have an answer for you, but could you 
> change your architecture so that instead of one large NiFi cluster you have 2 
> or 3 smaller clusters?  Very curious on the answer here as I have also 
> noticed UI slow-downs as the number of nodes increases.
> -Joe
> On 6/29/2021 3:45 AM, Modepalli Venkata Avinash wrote:
> Hi List,
> We have 13 Nodes NIFI cluster in production & it’s taking huge time for 
> completing NIFI restart.
> According to our analysis, flow election & flow validation from other nodes 
> with coordinator is taking more time, approx. ~30 hours.
> Even after all 13 nodes gets connected, NIFI UI responds too slowly. Please 
> find below cluster details.
> Apache NIFI Version : 1.9.0
> Flow.xml.gz size : 13MB (gz compressed)
> OS : RHEL 7.6
> JDK : jdk1.8.0_151
> GC : Default GC(Parallel GC) of JDK1.8 is in place. Commented out G1GC 
> because of Numerous bugs in JDK8 while using with WriteaHeadProvenance 
> Repository
> Min & Max Memory : 140GB
> Server Memory Per Node : 256GB
> CPU/CORE : 48
> Number of Nodes in Cluster : 13
> Max Timer Driven Thread : 100
> Running Processors Count : 12K
> Stopped Processors Count : 10K
> Disabled Processors Count : 25K
> Total Processor Count : 47K
> We couldn’t find any abnormalities in app logs, bootstrap logs & GC logging. 
> Could you please share any input to identify & resolve this issue.
> Thanks for your help.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Avinash M V
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