
I'm trying to convert some xml data, and struggle with xml attributes and
field content. Therefore I tried the example in the documentation for the
XML Reader but this doesn't work either.

By using the data and settings from the example I only get the content
value not the data from the tag.
(Another think is, that in the examples are missing a }. so you can't just
copy/past from the documentation page:

GenerateFlowfile -> ConvertRecord (XMLReader->JSONSetWriter)

A GenerateFlowfile process with this text:
        <field_with_attribute attr="attr_content">content of

XMLReader Settings:
Schema Access Strategy: Use 'Schema Text' Property
Schema Text:
    {   "name": "test",
        "namespace": "nifi",
        "type": "record",
        "fields": [
            {   "name": "field_with_attribute",
                {   "name": "RecordForTag",
                    "type": "record",
                    "fields" : [
                        { "name": "attr", "type": "string"},
                        {"name": "field_name_for_content", "type": "string"}
Expect Records as Array: false
Attribute Prefix:        prefix_
Field Name for Content:  field_name_for_content

The JSON Output is the following:
  "field_with_attribute" : {
    "attr" : null,
    "field_name_for_content" : "content of field"

Kind regards
Jens M. Kofoed

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