
Nope this sounds pretty dang unique

What JVM?   May need to attach a profiler.

I have seen buried exceptions happening at massive rates causing horrid
performance among a few other scenarios but nothing specific to 1.14


On Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 4:01 PM scott <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I upgraded to 1.14 last week and within a few days I started to see some
> pretty odd behavior, I'm hoping someone has either seen it before or could
> point me to a deeper level of troubleshooting.
> Here are the symptoms I observed.
> * Performance issues:
>     Processor performance very poor. Even simple processors like router
> and updateattribute went from being able to process 100,000recs/min to
> 100recs/min or stop all together, but not consistently.
>     Processors needing to be force killed, even simple ones like
> updateattribute.
> * Weirdness. One of my routers lost its mind and didn't recognize the
> routes configured anymore. It changed all the arrows to dotted lines except
> for the default. I ended up copying it and replacing it with the copy, no
> changes mind you, but it worked fine.
> * Errors: I have not found any obvious errors in the nifi logs that could
> explain this, but one error keeps repeating in the logs: SQLServerDriver is
> not found . I have dozens of processors that use SQL Server, all seem to be
> working fine. This is not tied to a particular processor's configuration. I
> don't think this is related.
> * Server resources fine. I use htop and sar to troubleshoot hardware
> issues usually, all looks normal. I added 1/3 more memory to the JVM, now
> at 24GB, just for good measure, but that had no effect.
> Is it possible there are some hidden performance issues going on within
> the JVM I need a special tool to see?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Scott

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