Thanks Nathan. I created a Jira [1] for this. I was able to easily replicate 
with your template. Thanks for including that. Just put up a Pull Request for 
it, as well.



On Jan 18, 2022, at 4:49 AM,<> wrote:

Hi There,

We've recently upgraded to NiFi V1.15.2 from V1.12.1 and have noticed a 
difference between the JSON Tree Reader Controller Service, which is a slight 

When we transform our records, we have some fields that will exist or won't 
after the transformation, depending on whether there is a value for the field. 
Previously with NiFi v1.12.1, when we would convert these records to Avro using 
the Avro Writer Controller and JSON Tree Reader Services (Both with Schemas 
Set), these fields would be created and set with the default value in the Avro 
Schema. But in NiFi v1.15.2, the conversion fails with "null of boolean in 
field field_name of Avro.Schema.Name", it doesn't matter which field, type or 
default value. It all seems to fail if the field doesn't exist.

Interestingly, there isn't an issue when I set the JSON Tree Reader to Infer 
Schema instead of 'use Schema Name' with a Schema Registry.

Annoyingly before we convert to Avro from JSON, we go through a Validate Schema 
Processor, which uses the same Schema, and JSON Tree Reader but instead uses a 
JSON Writer and successfully validates the record against Schema!

It seems similar to the NIFI-9335 issue on Jira [1], but maybe with the JSON 
Tree Reader Controller service instead?

I have attached a sample flow to reproduce the issue.

I didn't know if it was worth me raising a bug ticket?

Kind Regards,




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