MiNiFi is actually alive and well, we just moved it into the NiFi codebase. 
We’re actively developing a Command-and-Control (C2) capability to remotely 
update the flow on the agent for example.

You can configure MiNiFi agents for SSL over Site-to-Site in order to talk to 
secure NiFi instances. Not sure about the need for a user but you would need to 
present a certificate the same as you would for connecting to the NiFi UI. Some 
security features still need to be implemented (like encrypted properties 
maybe) but you should definitely be able to do what you’re trying to do with 
MiNiFi, happy to help with any issues you may run into.


> On Apr 17, 2022, at 11:40 AM, Jorge Machado <> wrote:
> I did this on the pass and I end up switching to Nifi. I think you should do 
> the same. Minifi is kind of “Dead” not being developed anymore. I found 
> better to just switch to single instance of nifi 
> Regards
> Jorge 
>> On 17. Apr 2022, at 03:30, David Early <> wrote:
>> We are considering using several dozen minifi instances to gather data at 
>> remote locations and send it to a cloud based central NiFi.
>> The problem I am THINKING we will have is setting up ssl. The only way I 
>> know of to set up ssl for site to site requires a user be configured for the 
>> incoming data on the destination NiFi and permissions given to that user to 
>> be able to send data.
>> Am I missing something? Will we have to manually set up a user in the cloud 
>> NiFi for each minifi instances so we can use ssl transport?
>> Dave

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