Just tried out these (command line) steps; hope they work for you, too.

(1) openssl s_client -connect localhost:8443 -showcerts
This will dump a bunch of text to stdout.  You want to grab the text
between these two text lines:
... and save that text to a file "trust.cer".

(2) openssl x509 -in trust.cer -text
This will verify that you got the right text.

(3) keytool -importcert -keystore trust.jks -file trust.cer -alias 1
This will create a JKS keystore that contains your certificate.  The
command will ask for a password (twice to confirm); pick something easy.

(4) Enter "Truststore Filename" (/full/path/to/trust.jks) , "Truststore
Password", and "Truststore Type" (JKS) into your StandardSSLContextService


On Tue, Aug 2, 2022 at 11:33 AM Nathan Gough <thena...@apache.org> wrote:

> That's right Russ, if you purchased a commercially signed certificate,
> InvokeHTTP should work by default. With your self signed certificate, you
> will need an SSL context service, and I believe you will need to insert the
> self signed certificate into the trust store. I suggest using
> KeystoreExplorer to create a trust store, import the self signed
> certificate, save that trust store file and then point to that file in the
> SSL context service. Let us know if you have issues with that part.
> The screenshot error message you sent is showing that InvokeHTTP does not
> trust the remote server when it says 'unable to find valid certfiication
> path to requested target' (a pretty confusing error in my opinion).
> X509 key/certs and key/trust store stuff is pretty tricky to understand
> the first time around.
> Nathan
> On Tue, Aug 2, 2022, 11:00 AM Russell Bateman <r...@windofkeltia.com>
> wrote:
>> Yes, of course. And, therefore, *SSLContextService* is required was my
>> conclusion. I see the point more clearly now, but my conclusion seems
>> inescapable. To forego *SSLContextService* we would have to purchase a
>> commercially signed certificate for use by Tomcat, right?
>> I will experiment with just somehow injecting the self-signed certificate
>> we created into the trust store certificate? --which I thought I had done
>> already, but *SSLContextService* has steadfastly refused to accept
>> anything I throw at it. (I reiterate that this is my first TLS rodeo; I
>> have never had to do this kind of work before. I greatly appreciate your
>> patience.)
>> Russ
>> On 8/1/22 19:03, Paul Grey wrote:
>> 1.  You've instructed your browser to accept the (untrusted) certificate
>> that is being presented by Tomcat.
>> [image: untrusted.cert.png]
>> 2. You've supplied the "--insecure" flag to curl.
>> https://curl.se/docs/manpage.html#-k
>> 3.  The NiFi equivalent to these two instructions is to provide a
>> truststore, which contains a record specifying the certificate being served
>> by your Tomcat server.
>> On Mon, Aug 1, 2022 at 6:27 PM Russell Bateman <r...@windofkeltia.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Okay. I'm hoping this is true, but it's not what I'm seeing. It's not
>>> dawning on me yet what I'm doing wrong.
>>> 1. If I hit my service from a browser,
>>> https://localhost:8443/mdht-restlet, I get its splash page.
>>> 2. If I curl the splash page, I get it:
>>> russ@tirion ~/sandboxes/mdht-restlet/src/test/resources/fodder/gold $
>>> curl --insecure --request GET https://localhost:8443/mdht-restlet
>>> --header 'Accept: text/plain'
>>> HL7v3 CDA on-demand generation service using Model-driven Health Tools
>>> (MDHT). The generator is up.
>>>         Manifest-Version: 1.0
>>>     Implementation-Title: mdht-restlet
>>>   Implementation-Version: 3.3.10-2
>>>      Specification-Title: mdht-restlet
>>> ...
>>> 2. However, if I try *InvokeHTTP* to POST, I get this: (
>>> https://www.javahotchocolate.com/notes/nifi-images/invokehttp-error.png)
>>> On 8/1/22 09:26, Paul Grey wrote:
>>> I just checked a running NiFi, built locally from the main branch.  I
>>> configured an InvokeHTTP processor to perform a GET request to "
>>> https://www.google.com/";.  No "SSL Context Service" was configured.
>>> The request completed successfully, routing output to relationships
>>> [image: InvokeHTTP-google.png]
>>> I would expect the same behavior on your NiFi instance.  If no
>>> SSLContextService is supplied, the expectation is that the default JVM
>>> truststore is used, and the "google.com" certificate is signed by a CA
>>> trusted by the default truststore.  If this test case does not work for
>>> you, I would verify the validity of the default truststore.  Another check
>>> would be to perform this same test on a different machine running NiFi.
>>> On Fri, Jul 29, 2022 at 10:28 AM Russell Bateman <r...@windofkeltia.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Just a note (for later readers of this thread)...
>>>> My experience now with this trick seems to say that, as long as "https"
>>>> is in the URL, a *SSLContextService* must be supplied. As a URL with
>>>> "https" and port number 8443 is the only way I have to engage TLS at the
>>>> far end, I must live with *SSLContextService*'s requirements.
>>>> On 7/26/22 19:17, Paul Grey wrote:
>>>> leave the InvokeHTTP property SSLContextService blank.

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