Forgot my version: 1.16.3


On Fri, Dec 9, 2022 at 11:22 AM David Early <>

> Hi all,
> I have a major issue and am not sure what to do about it.
> We have a 3 node cluster.  I was working on a one-off load for some data
> we were doing out of sequence and it resulted in build-up of some flowfiles
> in a queue.  In order to prevent a backpressure situation, I cleared one of
> the holding queues that had about 69k flow files.
> During the clear operation the node I was on (node 3 UI in this case)
> returned and stated that the node was no longer part of the cluster.  Not
> clear why that happened.
> This, by itself, is not really an issue.  Looking at the logs (at bottom
> of this note), you can see theflowfile drop and immediate adjustment to the
> node 3 to state of CONNECTING to the cluster.  Subsequently, an error
> occurred:  "*Disconnecting node due to Failed to properly handle
> Reconnection request due to
> org.apache.nifi.controller.serialization.FlowSynchronizationException:
> Failed to connect node to cluster because local flow controller partially
> updated. Administrator should disconnect node and review flow for
> corruption*".
> When I attempted to readd the node from the UI, it repeated this error.
> I compared users.xml and authroizations.xml on all three nodes, textually
> the same and identical md5sum on all (issues with users.xml and
> authorizations.xml were listed online as usual suspects).
> I then offloaded the node via the UI to make sure I didn't have anything
> stuck in queue on node 3 and hoped it would allow the node to rejoin.
> After offloading, I attempted to reconnect and what happened next gave me a
> heart attack:  Node 3 now showed as connected but in the UI (accessed via
> A quick review showed that traffic was actually flowing (View status
> history showed flowfiles moving, observing some of our observation queues
> showed traffic on nodes 1 and 2).  Removing node 3 from the cluster
> restored the UI to show everything running, but adding it back in showed
> everything as stopped.
> I tried to start some processors while node 3 was connected and while I
> could start individual processors, I could not do a "global" start by right
> clicking on canvas and trying "start".  I set up a sample processor to
> generate a file on all 3 nodes and it did generate a new flowfile on node
> 3.  All of that worked fine.
> We have 400+ processors that I would need to hand start and I am super
> nervous about the cluster deciding to make node 3 the primary which would
> affect some timed process that we are running on the primary node.  As long
> as I don't restart the http input feed, I COULD restart all the processors,
> but this seems like the wrong process.
> Anyone have any idea what I did wrong and how to fix it?  The errors show
> in the log attached happened before any offloading, but I wondered if the
> offloading caused part of this issue.
> Is there anything I can do to readd the node without having to restart all
> the processors manually?
> Should I clean up the node and add it as a "new" node and let it
> completely sync?
> Thanks for any insight!
> Dave
> -------------------------------
> Log:
> -------------------------------
> *2022-12-08 22:26:20,706 INFO [Drop FlowFiles for Connection
> 8b0ee741-0183-1000-0000-000068704c93] o.a.n.c.queue.SwappablePriorityQueue
> Successfully dropped 69615 FlowFiles (35496003 bytes) from Connection with
> ID 8b0ee741-0183-1000-0000-000068704c93 on behalf of
> <>*
> 2022-12-08 22:26:20,707 INFO [Process Cluster Protocol Request-29]
> o.a.n.c.c.node.NodeClusterCoordinator Status of prod-stsc2-3:8443 changed
> from NodeConnectionStatus[nodeId=prod-stsc2-3:8443, state=CONNECTED,
> updateId=108] to NodeConnectionStatus[nodeId=prod-stsc2-3:8443,
> state=CONNECTING, updateId=114]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:20,707 INFO [Process Cluster Protocol Request-29]
> o.a.n.c.p.impl.SocketProtocolListener Finished processing request
> 070fe65c-4a77-41d0-9d7f-8f08ede6ac71 (type=NODE_STATUS_CHANGE, length=1217
> bytes) from in 10 seconds, 842 millis
> 2022-12-08 22:26:20,750 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.nifi.controller.StandardFlowService Setting Flow Controller's Node ID:
> prod-stsc2-3:8443
> 2022-12-08 22:26:20,751 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.VersionedFlowSynchronizer Synchronizing FlowController with
> proposed flow: Controller Already Synchronized = true
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,298 INFO [NiFi Web Server-1481911]
> o.a.c.f.imps.CuratorFrameworkImpl Starting
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,298 INFO [NiFi Web Server-1481911]
> org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxnSocket jute.maxbuffer value is 4194304 Bytes
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,304 INFO [NiFi Web Server-1481911]
> o.a.c.f.imps.CuratorFrameworkImpl Default schema
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,314 INFO [NiFi Web Server-1481911-EventThread]
> o.a.c.f.state.ConnectionStateManager State change: CONNECTED
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,322 INFO [NiFi Web Server-1481911-EventThread]
> o.a.c.framework.imps.EnsembleTracker New config event received:
> {server.1=prod-zkpr-1:2888:3888:participant;, version=0,
> server.3=prod-zkpr-3:2888:3888:participant;,
> server.2=prod-zkpr-2:2888:3888:participant;}
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,322 INFO [NiFi Web Server-1481911-EventThread]
> o.a.c.framework.imps.EnsembleTracker New config event received:
> {server.1=prod-zkpr-1:2888:3888:participant;, version=0,
> server.3=prod-zkpr-3:2888:3888:participant;,
> server.2=prod-zkpr-2:2888:3888:participant;}
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,323 INFO [Curator-Framework-0]
> o.a.c.f.imps.CuratorFrameworkImpl backgroundOperationsLoop exiting
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,590 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.p.FlowConfigurationArchiveManager Removing old archive file
> ./conf/archive/20221206T064055+0000_flow.json.gz to reduce storage usage.
> currentSize=522676591
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,593 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.VersionedFlowSynchronizer Successfully created backup of existing
> flow to
> /data/nifi/nifi-1.16.3/./conf/archive/20221208T222621+0000_flow.json.gz
> before inheriting dataflow
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,594 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.VersionedFlowSynchronizer In order to inherit proposed dataflow,
> will stop any components that will be affected by the update
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,594 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.AffectedComponentSet Stopping the following components:
> AffectedComponentSet[inputPorts=[], outputPorts=[], remoteInputPorts=[],
> remoteOutputPorts=[],
> processors=[PutEmail[id=6ebadc8f-142f-3f4c-81b9-0c2c55474420],
> PutSFTP[id=1d317c8d-6340-3075-b80e-d14efee639d3],
> PutEmail[id=4ac49804-9fe1-3d67-9e54-7487a9b92e89],
> PutEmail[id=9d573e65-2c6d-3925-bdaa-afa2162ce804],
> PutEmail[id=f558b7d4-ef81-3e7b-99d9-0cde20a5c96f],
> PutEmail[id=a8063e92-1dad-3414-bff8-93ad33e0a059],
> PutSFTP[id=232e3309-2ddd-1203-b575-0df2da962d8a],
> PutEmail[id=98dc80cd-b210-3371-8775-6f50b6750158],
> PutEmail[id=da59713c-5387-3de9-bc44-748a22b1ff5e],
> PutEmail[id=d7e8d506-8f6a-3e50-8e52-06bcad6cd4e5]], controllerServices=[],
> reportingTasks=[]]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,594 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Stopping
> PutEmail[id=6ebadc8f-142f-3f4c-81b9-0c2c55474420]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,594 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Stopping processor:
> PutEmail[id=6ebadc8f-142f-3f4c-81b9-0c2c55474420]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-9]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Stopped scheduling
> PutEmail[id=6ebadc8f-142f-3f4c-81b9-0c2c55474420] to run
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Stopping
> PutSFTP[id=1d317c8d-6340-3075-b80e-d14efee639d3]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Stopping processor:
> PutSFTP[id=1d317c8d-6340-3075-b80e-d14efee639d3]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-53]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Stopped scheduling
> PutSFTP[id=1d317c8d-6340-3075-b80e-d14efee639d3] to run
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Stopping
> PutEmail[id=4ac49804-9fe1-3d67-9e54-7487a9b92e89]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Stopping processor:
> PutEmail[id=4ac49804-9fe1-3d67-9e54-7487a9b92e89]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-16]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Stopped scheduling
> PutEmail[id=4ac49804-9fe1-3d67-9e54-7487a9b92e89] to run
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Stopping
> PutEmail[id=9d573e65-2c6d-3925-bdaa-afa2162ce804]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Stopping processor:
> PutEmail[id=9d573e65-2c6d-3925-bdaa-afa2162ce804]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-91]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Stopped scheduling
> PutEmail[id=9d573e65-2c6d-3925-bdaa-afa2162ce804] to run
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Stopping
> PutEmail[id=f558b7d4-ef81-3e7b-99d9-0cde20a5c96f]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Stopping processor:
> PutEmail[id=f558b7d4-ef81-3e7b-99d9-0cde20a5c96f]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-65]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Stopped scheduling
> PutEmail[id=f558b7d4-ef81-3e7b-99d9-0cde20a5c96f] to run
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Stopping
> PutEmail[id=a8063e92-1dad-3414-bff8-93ad33e0a059]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Stopping processor:
> PutEmail[id=a8063e92-1dad-3414-bff8-93ad33e0a059]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-81]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Stopped scheduling
> PutEmail[id=a8063e92-1dad-3414-bff8-93ad33e0a059] to run
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Stopping
> PutSFTP[id=232e3309-2ddd-1203-b575-0df2da962d8a]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Stopping processor:
> PutSFTP[id=232e3309-2ddd-1203-b575-0df2da962d8a]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-48]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Stopped scheduling
> PutSFTP[id=232e3309-2ddd-1203-b575-0df2da962d8a] to run
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Stopping
> PutEmail[id=98dc80cd-b210-3371-8775-6f50b6750158]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Stopping processor:
> PutEmail[id=98dc80cd-b210-3371-8775-6f50b6750158]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-43]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Stopped scheduling
> PutEmail[id=98dc80cd-b210-3371-8775-6f50b6750158] to run
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Stopping
> PutEmail[id=da59713c-5387-3de9-bc44-748a22b1ff5e]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Stopping processor:
> PutEmail[id=da59713c-5387-3de9-bc44-748a22b1ff5e]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-72]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Stopped scheduling
> PutEmail[id=da59713c-5387-3de9-bc44-748a22b1ff5e] to run
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Stopping
> PutEmail[id=d7e8d506-8f6a-3e50-8e52-06bcad6cd4e5]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Stopping processor:
> PutEmail[id=d7e8d506-8f6a-3e50-8e52-06bcad6cd4e5]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,595 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-96]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Stopped scheduling
> PutEmail[id=d7e8d506-8f6a-3e50-8e52-06bcad6cd4e5] to run
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,596 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.AffectedComponentSet Waiting for all required Processors and
> Reporting Tasks to stop...
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,606 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.AffectedComponentSet Successfully stopped all components in 12
> milliseconds
> ...
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Starting
> PutEmail[id=6ebadc8f-142f-3f4c-81b9-0c2c55474420]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Starting
> PutEmail[id=6ebadc8f-142f-3f4c-81b9-0c2c55474420]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Starting
> PutSFTP[id=1d317c8d-6340-3075-b80e-d14efee639d3]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Starting
> PutSFTP[id=1d317c8d-6340-3075-b80e-d14efee639d3]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Starting
> PutEmail[id=4ac49804-9fe1-3d67-9e54-7487a9b92e89]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Starting
> PutEmail[id=4ac49804-9fe1-3d67-9e54-7487a9b92e89]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Starting
> PutEmail[id=9d573e65-2c6d-3925-bdaa-afa2162ce804]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Starting
> PutEmail[id=9d573e65-2c6d-3925-bdaa-afa2162ce804]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Starting
> PutEmail[id=f558b7d4-ef81-3e7b-99d9-0cde20a5c96f]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Starting
> PutEmail[id=f558b7d4-ef81-3e7b-99d9-0cde20a5c96f]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Starting
> PutEmail[id=a8063e92-1dad-3414-bff8-93ad33e0a059]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Starting
> PutEmail[id=a8063e92-1dad-3414-bff8-93ad33e0a059]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Starting
> PutSFTP[id=232e3309-2ddd-1203-b575-0df2da962d8a]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Starting
> PutSFTP[id=232e3309-2ddd-1203-b575-0df2da962d8a]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Starting
> PutEmail[id=98dc80cd-b210-3371-8775-6f50b6750158]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Starting
> PutEmail[id=98dc80cd-b210-3371-8775-6f50b6750158]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Starting
> PutEmail[id=da59713c-5387-3de9-bc44-748a22b1ff5e]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Starting
> PutEmail[id=da59713c-5387-3de9-bc44-748a22b1ff5e]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.s.StandardProcessScheduler Starting
> PutEmail[id=d7e8d506-8f6a-3e50-8e52-06bcad6cd4e5]
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.controller.StandardProcessorNode Starting
> PutEmail[id=d7e8d506-8f6a-3e50-8e52-06bcad6cd4e5]
> *2022-12-08 22:26:21,665 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.nifi.controller.StandardFlowService Disconnecting node due to Failed to
> properly handle Reconnection request due to
> org.apache.nifi.controller.serialization.FlowSynchronizationException:
> Failed to connect node to cluster because local flow controller partially
> updated. Administrator should disconnect node and review flow for
> corruption.*
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,666 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-56]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Scheduled
> PutEmail[id=6ebadc8f-142f-3f4c-81b9-0c2c55474420] to run with 1 threads
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,666 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-78]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Scheduled
> PutSFTP[id=1d317c8d-6340-3075-b80e-d14efee639d3] to run with 1 threads
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,666 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-56]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Scheduled
> PutEmail[id=4ac49804-9fe1-3d67-9e54-7487a9b92e89] to run with 1 threads
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,666 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-56]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Scheduled
> PutEmail[id=f558b7d4-ef81-3e7b-99d9-0cde20a5c96f] to run with 1 threads
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,666 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-11]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Scheduled
> PutEmail[id=a8063e92-1dad-3414-bff8-93ad33e0a059] to run with 1 threads
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,666 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-56]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Scheduled
> PutSFTP[id=232e3309-2ddd-1203-b575-0df2da962d8a] to run with 1 threads
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,666 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-11]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Scheduled
> PutEmail[id=98dc80cd-b210-3371-8775-6f50b6750158] to run with 1 threads
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,666 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-56]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Scheduled
> PutEmail[id=da59713c-5387-3de9-bc44-748a22b1ff5e] to run with 1 threads
> *2022-12-08 22:26:21,666 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.apache.nifi.controller.FlowController Will no longer send heartbeats*
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,667 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.apache.nifi.controller.FlowController FlowController will stop sending
> heartbeats to Cluster Coordinator
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,667 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.apache.nifi.controller.FlowController Cluster State changed from
> Clustered to Not Clustered
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,666 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-78]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Scheduled
> PutEmail[id=9d573e65-2c6d-3925-bdaa-afa2162ce804] to run with 1 threads
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,667 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.l.e.CuratorLeaderElectionManager Cannot unregister Leader Election
> Role 'Primary Node' because that role is not registered
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,667 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.n.c.l.e.CuratorLeaderElectionManager Cannot unregister Leader Election
> Role 'Cluster Coordinator' because that role is not registered
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,667 INFO [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.nifi.controller.StandardFlowService Node disconnected due to Failed to
> properly handle Reconnection request due to
> org.apache.nifi.controller.serialization.FlowSynchronizationException:
> Failed to connect node to cluster because local flow controller partially
> updated. Administrator should disconnect node and review flow for
> corruption.
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,668 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-11]
> o.a.n.c.s.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent Scheduled
> PutEmail[id=d7e8d506-8f6a-3e50-8e52-06bcad6cd4e5] to run with 1 threads
> 2022-12-08 22:26:21,689 ERROR [Reconnect to Cluster]
> o.a.nifi.controller.StandardFlowService Handling reconnection request
> failed due to:
> org.apache.nifi.controller.serialization.FlowSynchronizationException:
> Failed to connect node to cluster because local flow controller partially
> updated. Administrator should disconnect node and review flow for
> corruption.
> org.apache.nifi.controller.serialization.FlowSynchronizationException:
> Failed to connect node to cluster because local flow controller partially
> updated. Administrator should disconnect node and review flow for
> corruption.
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.controller.StandardFlowService.loadFromConnectionResponse(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.controller.StandardFlowService.handleReconnectionRequest(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.controller.StandardFlowService.access$200(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.controller.StandardFlowService$
>         at
> Caused by:
> org.apache.nifi.controller.serialization.FlowSynchronizationException:
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot set AnnotationData while processor
> is running
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.controller.serialization.VersionedFlowSynchronizer.synchronizeFlow(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.controller.serialization.VersionedFlowSynchronizer.sync(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.controller.serialization.StandardFlowSynchronizer.sync(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.controller.FlowController.synchronize(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.persistence.StandardFlowConfigurationDAO.load(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.controller.StandardFlowService.loadFromBytes(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.controller.StandardFlowService.loadFromConnectionResponse(
>         ... 4 common frames omitted
> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot set AnnotationData
> while processor is running
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.controller.StandardProcessorNode.setAnnotationData(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.groups.StandardProcessGroupSynchronizer.updateProcessor(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.groups.StandardProcessGroupSynchronizer.synchronizeProcessors(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.groups.StandardProcessGroupSynchronizer.synchronize(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.groups.StandardProcessGroupSynchronizer.synchronizeChildGroups(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.groups.StandardProcessGroupSynchronizer.synchronize(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.groups.StandardProcessGroupSynchronizer.synchronizeChildGroups(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.groups.StandardProcessGroupSynchronizer.synchronize(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.groups.StandardProcessGroupSynchronizer.lambda$synchronize$0(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.controller.flow.AbstractFlowManager.withParameterContextResolution(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.groups.StandardProcessGroupSynchronizer.synchronize(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.groups.StandardProcessGroup.synchronizeFlow(
>         at
> org.apache.nifi.controller.serialization.VersionedFlowSynchronizer.synchronizeFlow(
>         ... 10 common frames omitted

David Early, Ph.D.
720-470-7460 Cell

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