                    try {
                        int numOfFlowFiles =
serverProtocol.getPort().transferFlowFiles(peer, serverProtocol);
                        logger.debug("finished transferring flow files,
numOfFlowFiles={}", numOfFlowFiles);
                        if (numOfFlowFiles < 1) {
                            // There was no flow file to transfer. Throw
this exception to stop responding with SEE OTHER.
                            throw new
                    } catch (NotAuthorizedException | BadRequestException |
RequestExpiredException e) {
                        // Handshake is done outside of write() method, so
these exception wouldn't be thrown.
                        throw new IOException("Failed to process the
request.", e);

I’m not sure about what this means, other than what it says, that there is
nothing to transfer

From: Fabian Reiber <rei...@dfn-cert.de> <rei...@dfn-cert.de>
Reply: users@nifi.apache.org <users@nifi.apache.org> <users@nifi.apache.org>
Date: January 3, 2023 at 10:24:54
To: users@nifi.apache.org <users@nifi.apache.org> <users@nifi.apache.org>
Subject:  Unintelligible exception log for HTTP-200 response

Hi people,

We have a setup with 2 NiFi instances (here we name it "nifi-instance-1"
br/>and ""nifi-instance-2") in version 1.16.3 running in podman containers
br/>respectively in pods. In the log file of nifi-app.log we discover the
br/>following: <

2023-01-03 12:00:00,195 INFO [NiFi Web Server-46]
br//>org.apache.nifi.web.server.RequestLog - nifi-instance-2
[03/Jan/2023:12:00:00 +0000] "POST

HTTP/1.1" 201 155 "-" "Apache-HttpClient/4.5.13 (Java/11.0.12)"
br/>2023-01-03 12:00:00,221 WARN [[NiFi Web Server-235]
br/>javax.ws.rs.WebAppplicationException: HTTP 200 OK. Returning 200
br/>response. javax.wss.rs.WebApplicationException: HTTP 200 OK at



    at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

The full traceback is attached. The instances are running on the same
br/>machine and working properly. ""nifi-instance-1" has an output port
br/>configured as ""Remote connections (site-to-site)". "nifi-instance-2"
has br/>a Remote Process Group and is configuured to connect to br/>""
nifi-instance-1.de" via HTTPs to fetch the flow files. The connection
br/>between them and the sharing of floow files work as expected. Except
this br/>log message we don't underrstand.

The authorizations.xml of "nifi-instance-1" has this configuration,
br/>among other things, to allow the other instance to send/reeceive data:

<policy identifier="cbeec38a-0178-1000-77da-25e37ce5344e"
    <group identifier="1f68ef93-0176-1000-c949-f005799da72d"/>
<policy identifier="2fe2ee5f-0174-1000-e61b-45137c67eac1"
br/>resource="/site-to-site" action="R">
    <group identifier="1f68ef93-0176-1000-c949-f005799da72d"/>

The users.xml contains among other things this:

<group identifier="1f68ef93-0176-1000-c949-f005799da72d"
    <user identifier="1f6ba22e-0176-1000-7b45-ec3ea6d38fe5"/>
    <user identifier="1f6ba22e-0176-1000-7b45-ec3ea6d38fe5" br/>identity="

"nifi-instance-2" has also the configuration for the /site-to-site
br/>resource to allow it for ""nifi-instance-1". But it should not be
br/>necessary for the occurrence of this log. <

As I said, the data exchange between them is working fine. We found this
br/>issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NIFFI-9752 and already
br/>deleted and recreated the output port, but without ssuccess.

The last output in the stack trace hypothesizes that there is something
br/>wrong with the permissions!!? But we are not sure. Do we miss anything?

Do you have any idea what the reason could be for this log? We guess, we
br/>can suppress the log in our logback config. But we wantt to figure out
br/>what the reason is :-) <

Kind regards

-- br/>FFabian Reiber, M.Sc. (Projekt- u. Entwicklungsteam)
Phone: +49 40 808077-689 Fax: +49 40 808077-556 Mail: rei...@dfn-cert.de

DFN-CERT Services GmbH, https://www.dfn-cert.de/, Phone +49 40 808077-555
Sitz / Register: Hamburg, AG Hamburg, HRB 88805, Ust-IdNr.: DE 232129737
Nagelsweg 41, 20097 Hamburg, Germany. CEO: Dr. Klaus-Peter Kossakowski

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