Hmmmm.  Interesting.  Can you capture these bits of fun in a jira?


On Fri, Jul 7, 2023 at 7:17 PM Mike Thomsen <> wrote:

> After doing some research, it appears that <maxFileSize/> is a wonky
> setting WRT how well it's honored by logback. I let a GenerateFlowFile >
> LogAttribute flow run for a long time, and it just kept filling up. When I
> added <totalSizeCap/> that appeared to force expected behavior on total log
> size. We might want to add the following:
> <cleanHistoryOnStart>true</cleanHistoryOnStart>
> <totalSizeCap>50GB</totalSizeCap>
> On Fri, Jul 7, 2023 at 11:33 AM Michael Moser <> wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> You aren't alone in experiencing this.  I think logback uses a pattern
>> matcher on filename to discover files to delete.  If "something" happens
>> which causes a gap in the date pattern, then the matcher will then fail to
>> pick up and delete files on the other side of that gap.
>> Regards,
>> -- Mike M
>> On Thu, Jul 6, 2023 at 10:28 AM Mike Thomsen <>
>> wrote:
>>> We are using the stock configuration, and have noticed that we have a
>>> lot of nifi-app* logs that are well beyond the historic data cap of 30 days
>>> in logback.xml; some of those logs go back to April. We also have a bunch
>>> of 0 byte nifi-user logs and some of the other logs are 0 bytes as well. It
>>> looks like logback is rotating based on time, but isn't cleaning up. Is
>>> this expected behavior or a problem with the configuration?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mike

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