Perhaps try following this guidance in the docs???

Consumer Partition Assignment

By default, this processor will subscribe to one or more Kafka topics in
such a way that the topics to consume from are randomly assigned to the
nodes in the NiFi cluster. Consider a scenario where a single Kafka topic
has 8 partitions and the consuming NiFi cluster has 3 nodes. In this
scenario, Node 1 may be assigned partitions 0, 1, and 2. Node 2 may be
assigned partitions 3, 4, and 5. Node 3 will then be assigned partitions 6
and 7.

In this scenario, if Node 3 somehow fails or stops pulling data from Kafka,
partitions 6 and 7 may then be reassigned to the other two nodes. For most
use cases, this is desirable. It provides fault tolerance and allows the
remaining nodes to pick up the slack. However, there are cases where this
is undesirable.

One such case is when using NiFi to consume Change Data Capture (CDC) data
from Kafka. Consider again the above scenario. Consider that Node 3 has
pulled 1,000 messages from Kafka but has not yet delivered them to their
final destination. NiFi is then stopped and restarted, and that takes 15
minutes to complete. In the meantime, Partitions 6 and 7 have been
reassigned to the other nodes. Those nodes then proceeded to pull data from
Kafka and deliver it to the desired destination. After 15 minutes, Node 3
rejoins the cluster and then continues to deliver its 1,000 messages that
it has already pulled from Kafka to the destination system. Now, those
records have been delivered out of order.

The solution for this, then, is to assign partitions statically instead of
dynamically. In this way, we can assign Partitions 6 and 7 to Node 3
specifically. Then, if Node 3 is restarted, the other nodes will not pull
data from Partitions 6 and 7. The data will remain queued in Kafka until
Node 3 is restarted. By using this approach, we can ensure that the data
that already was pulled can be processed (assuming First In First Out
Prioritizers are used) before newer messages are handled.

In order to provide a static mapping of node to Kafka partition(s), one or
more user-defined properties must be added using the naming scheme
partitions.<hostname> with the value being a comma-separated list of Kafka
partitions to use. For example, partitions.nifi-01=0, 3, 6, 9,
4, 7, 10, and partitions.nifi-03=2, 5, 8, 11. The hostname that is used can
be the fully qualified hostname, the "simple" hostname, or the IP address.
There must be an entry for each node in the cluster, or the Processor will
become invalid. If it is desirable for a node to not have any partitions
assigned to it, a Property may be added for the hostname with an empty
string as the value.

NiFi cannot readily validate that all Partitions have been assigned before
the Processor is scheduled to run. However, it can validate that no
partitions have been skipped. As such, if partitions 0, 1, and 3 are
assigned but not partition 2, the Processor will not be valid. However, if
partitions 0, 1, and 2 are assigned, the Processor will become valid, even
if there are 4 partitions on the Topic. When the Processor is started, the
Processor will immediately start to fail, logging errors, and avoid pulling
any data until the Processor is updated to account for all partitions. Once
running, if the number of partitions is changed, the Processor will
continue to run but not pull data from the newly added partitions. Once
stopped, it will begin to error until all partitions have been assigned.
Additionally, if partitions that are assigned do not exist (e.g.,
partitions 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are assigned, but the Topic has only
4 partitions), then the Processor will begin to log errors on startup and
will not pull data.

In order to use a static mapping of Kafka partitions, the "Topic Name
Format" must be set to "names" rather than "pattern." Additionally, all
Topics that are to be consumed must have the same number of partitions. If
multiple Topics are to be consumed and have a different number of
partitions, multiple Processors must be used so that each Processor
consumes only from Topics with the same number of partitions.

On Dec 13, 2023 at 8:59 AM -0500, edi mari <>, wrote:

Hi Pierre,
Yes, We tried to use FIFO prioritize in the queue, but it didn't help.
Some records in the target topic are ordered differently from the source
topic(which is critical in cleanup policy: compact) .


On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 3:46 PM Pierre Villard <>

> Hi Edi,
> Did you try setting the FIFO prioritizer on the connection between the
> processors?
> Thanks,
> Pierre
> Le mer. 13 déc. 2023 à 14:19, edi mari <> a écrit :
>> Hello ,
>> I'm using NIFI v1.20.0 to replicate 250 million messages between Kafka
>> topics.
>> The problem is that NIFI replicates messages in a non-sequential order,
>> resulting in the destination topic storing messages differently than the
>> source topic.
>> for example
>> *source topic - partition 0*
>> offset:5 key:a value:v1
>> offset:6 key:a value:v2
>> offset:7 key:a value:v3
>> *destination topic - partition 0*
>> offset:5 key:a value:v2
>> offset:6 key:a value:v1
>> offset:7 key:a value:v3
>> The topics are configured with a cleanup policy: compact.
>> I'm using ConsumeKafka and PublishKafka processors to replicate topics.
>> <image.png>
>> <image.png>
>> <image.png>
>> <image.png>
>> <image.png>
>> Thanks
>> Edi

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