Hi, What is the right way to deal with dates in the following context. I'm using the updaterecord processor to add a datestamp field to a record (derived from a filename attribute inserted by the getfile processor).
/Visit_DateTime. ${filename:substringBeforeLast('.'):substringAfterLast('_'):toDate('yyyyMMdd'):format('yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'") Inside the groovy script I'm attempting to convert to date as follows: VisitTimeValue = new Date(currRecord.get(Visit_DateTime as String)) However I always get messages about "could not find matching constructor for java.util.Date(org.apackge.avro.util.Utf8)" I have a previously working version, from a slightly different context which did a cast to long: Date((long)currRecord.get....). In that case the record was created by a database query. The eventual use of VisitTimeValue is to dump it into a flowfile attribute. It seems to me that the type of the date field is not being correctly inferred by the avro reader/writers after I create it with the expression language. Alternatively, perhaps I should be using different date handling tools inside groovy. All advice welcome. Thanks