
I tried calling a script from an ExecuteStreamCommand Processor, where
one argument is using nested quotes like: ['...key="value"...' ]
The script kept failing and I realized that the double quotes are not
passed to the script: ['...key=value...'] seems to be passed

I then tested this issue with both ExecuteStreamCommand and
ExecuteProcess simply calling 'echo' and all forms of escaping or
nesting quotes that I could come up with. I was unable to to get a
double quote in the output.

For example in bash: [echo 'test "string" test'] or [echo test
\"string\" test] both output [test "string" test].
The FlowFile contents for these were ['test string test'] and [test
\string\ test].

I did not find anything about quoting / escaping characters in the
documentation of the Processors or the user guide. Tested with clean
local Nifi 2- M1 and M2 docker images.

Am I missing something here? Happy to test suggestions or help debug.

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