Well, I learned something I thought I'd share:

 states that you should increase the number of file  handles.
The apache guide says to do this, you change limits.conf

Nonetheless, my nifi would run out of file handles occasionally, no matter what 
I did.

I prefer my nifi to startup on bootup, so I had a system service file so it 
would autostart and run as my user.

As of now, Here is the NEW contents of the file

Description=Apache NiFi

Group=<my group>
ExecStart=/opt/nifi/bin/nifi.sh start
ExecStop=/opt/nifi/bin/nifi.sh stop
# This took me YEARS to figure out.  Check out


See that LimitNOFILE line? Thanks to that stack exchange article, I was finally 
able to see why my filehandle setting weren't working ... limits.conf doesn't 
apply when you have a systemd service  Guess you learn something new every day.

One question remains:

Is 500K a good number?  The OS is configured so that fs.file-max is set to 
6815744 file descriptors.  The only other thing this guy runs is backups (and 
virus scans). Otherwise its dedicated to run flows.

I thought 500K would be acceptable for my use case.  It might be overkill; a 
random lsof | wc -l  when nifi was up and running but not processing yielded 
300K file descriptors  in use.

Anybody have an opinion?

Geoff Greene
Associate Technical Fellow / Senior Software Ninjaneer

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