Hi Peter, and thank you for your response. You are right: I was trying to
use Run Once. Does this prohibition against Run Once also apply to
If Run Once should not be used for a processor, would folks consider
disabling that processor menu option on ConsumeAMQP (and PublishAMQP,
should this be the same case there too)?

On Mon, Jul 8, 2024 at 8:38 AM Peter Turcsanyi <turcsa...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi James,
> The logs show that the processor stopped just after it was started (within
> the same second: 17:23:39 UTC).
> If it is due to closing the channel by the broker prematurely, then there
> should be some error logs too. Could you please check if there are other
> log messages?
> You may be trying to run ConsumeAMQP with Run Once. Please note, this
> processor cannot work in that mode. The underlying AMQP client starts up a
> consumer in a background thread which receives the messages asynchronously
> and puts them into an internal queue for further processing by the
> processor's main thread. This process continues while the processor is in
> scheduled state. Run Once stops the processors immediately so when the
> messages arrive, they will be discarded due to the processor's stopped
> state.
> Have you tried it with starting the processor and giving some time to the
> client to get initialized and receive the messages?
> Best regards,
> Peter Turcsanyi
> On Mon, Jul 8, 2024 at 12:34 PM James McMahon <jsmcmah...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Wanted to follow up in case it serves others in the future.
>> I stepped through these changes before I got this to work:
>> 1. My associate extended the heartbeat on the RMQ host.
>> 2. I made two changes to NiFi's bootstrap.conf, restarting NiFi after
>> editing the file to pick up these changes:
>> ..... java.arg.X=-Dcom.rabbitmq.client.heartbeat=120
>> ..... java.arg.X=-Dcom.rabbitmq.client.connection_timeout=30000
>> 3. I had experimented with settings on a few properties in ConsumeAMQP
>> 2.0.0-M2. It works with these set as follows:
>> ..... Auto-Acknowledge Messages false
>> ..... Prefetch Count 1
>> On Fri, Jul 5, 2024 at 1:28 PM James McMahon <jsmcmah...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I have a queue in RabbitMQ that I try to ConsumeAMQP from, configured
>>> like this:
>>> Queue
>>> detection-responses
>>> Auto-Acknowledge Messages
>>> false
>>> Batch Size
>>> 1
>>> Prefetch Count
>>> 0
>>> Header Output Format
>>> Comma-Separated String
>>> Header Separator
>>> ,
>>> Remove Curly Braces
>>> False
>>> BrokersNo value setHost Name
>>> Port
>>> 5672
>>> Virtual Host
>>> /
>>> User Name
>>> Admin
>>> Password Sensitive value
>>> setAMQP Version
>>> 0.9.1
>>> SSL Context Service
>>> No value set
>>> Use Client Certificate Authentication
>>> false
>>> My messages are not successfully consumed into my nifi flow. This is
>>> what I find in my log:
>>> 17:23:39 UTC
>>> INFO
>>> 1134134d-1ec5-158c-c3db-526be43cd3fa
>>> ConsumeAMQP[id=1134134d-1ec5-158c-c3db-526be43cd3fa] Successfully connected 
>>> AMQPConsumer to amqp://Admin@ and 'detection-responses' 
>>> queue
>>> 17:23:39 UTC
>>> 1134134d-1ec5-158c-c3db-526be43cd3fa
>>> ConsumeAMQP[id=1134134d-1ec5-158c-c3db-526be43cd3fa] Closing AMQP channel 
>>> for amqp://Admin@
>>> 17:23:39 UTC
>>> INFO
>>> 1134134d-1ec5-158c-c3db-526be43cd3fa
>>> ConsumeAMQP[id=1134134d-1ec5-158c-c3db-526be43cd3fa] Consumer is closed, 
>>> discarding message (delivery tag: 1).
>>> Auto-refresh
>>> Is this because the channel is closing prematurely? Is there a queue
>>> property I must set to keep it open?
>>> Thank you for any help.

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