Hello, Jacek !

> Ah, OPENEJB-701 [1] struck again.

> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENEJB-701

Aha, thank you. Is there any chanse to this issue will be fixed before 3.0 
release ? And when 3.0 release is planned ?

>> My system is Windows XP with java 1.6_03. I found problem. My system locale 
>> is be_BY. So, my ejb-jar-example1.xml contains line:
>> =====================
>> <!-- $Rev: 600204 $ $Date: 2007-12-02 00:35:03 +0200 (??, 02 ??? 2007) 
>> $ --> ===================== But in JeeTest.java we read this UTF-8 
>> file by unspecified charset in the method readContent.

>Thanks for reporting. It seems that there's something wrong with svn client 
>that checked out the sources. I work with pl_PL locale and the file's got:

> <!-- $Rev: 600204 $ $Date: 2007-12-01 23:35:03 +0100 (Sat, 01 Dec 2007) $ -->

I see cyrillic characters instead '?' in "(??, 02 ??? 2007)" in 
ejb-jar-example1.xml - it's belarusian names of day and month. If you see "??" 
in source message, then seems to cyrillic fonts is not displayed in your system.
I'm not sure what it's bug in svn client - Is it required to have english names 
for month and day in "Rev" ?. Both my SVN clients produce the same file (with 
belarusian names). I'm using Subclipse module for Eclipse and TortoiseSVN.

Anyway, it's not a right way to convert bytes to chars without specify locale.

WBR, Alex.

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