On Feb 11, 2008 10:34 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> - FAIL ... PatternManagementDaoImpl:    Missing required persistence.xml
> for @PersistenceContext ref "em" to unit "pattern-managementPu"
> What's wrong? It is there. And where should it be placed? In META-INF
> like usually? It seems that it is later found.

"like usually"? That's how EJB3 spec mandates it so we should follow
the rule and we do. Can you jar -tf <your ejb/ear> and send the output
here? Could you show persistence.xml too so we can look at it?

> Can I define the order in which the EJB modules are loaded?

Not in a spec-compliant way. I'm not sure if you can do it in openejb
either, but would rather wait for Dave/Dain's reply before counting on


Jacek Laskowski

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