On Feb 16, 2008, at 12:48 AM, AdamO wrote:

I've noticed "INFO: Illegal access:" messages in my Tomcat log while testing beta-2. I haven't had the messages with beta-1. Does anyone know what's

There is nothing wrong with your code. This log message is caused by a piece of code I added between beta-1 and beta-2 that clears a leaky cache in OpenJPA.

The problem we're running into is when we try to clear this cache in for an application using a tomcat class loader with this code:

    public static void cleanOpenJPACache(ClassLoader classLoader) {
        try {
Class<?> pcRegistryClass = classLoader.loadClass("org.apache.openjpa.enhance.PCRegistry"); Method deRegisterMethod = pcRegistryClass.getMethod("deRegister", ClassLoader.class);
            deRegisterMethod.invoke(null, classLoader);
        } catch (Throwable ignored) {
            // there is nothing a user could do about this anyway

We run into the following code in the Tomcat class loader when we load the PCRegistry class:

        // Log access to stopped classloader
        if (!started) {
            try {
                throw new IllegalStateException();
            } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
log.info(sm.getString("webappClassLoader.stopped", name), e);

So, if the class loader is "stopped" it will log that huge message with stack trace for every class that we attempt to load. It will take some experimenting to figure out how to avoid the exception message.

Anyway, your code is fine, and I think the clean up code is working fine, but it would be nice to get rid of the annoying log message.


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