
I'd like to reiterate one of David's points. If you already have a web load balancer in production, you can get load balancing today for free by simply using our ejb over http protocol. This has a big advantage for your operations staff as they would only have one load balancing system to maintain. Also, it works today :)

Regardless, we definitely need load balancing for the standalone protocol.


On Jun 4, 2008, at 12:03 AM, David Blevins wrote:

On Jun 3, 2008, at 10:36 PM, Youcef HILEM wrote:

Hi David,
I confirm that my request relates only to stateless beans and not to stateful beans.

Most of our business services are available for both Web and Swing applications. The management of state is supported by these applications. We do not use statefull beans.

Sounds like a fantastic application for Tomcat + OpenEJB and Collapsed EARs.

For loadbalancing, I think it is enough for us to add a class similar to
(like RandomServerConnectionFactoryStrategy or StickToNextServerConnectionFactoryStrategy) and change the method getConnectionFactoryStrategy() of class org.apache.openejb.client.ServerMetaData.

I take this opportunity to ask whether it is possible to extend the method getInitialContext(Hashtable environment) of class org.apache.openejb.client.JNDIContext to deal with a list of URLs (for key Context.PROVIDER_URL).

That's definitely one of the options I had in mind :) If that kind of approach would work for you, we could plum that in and additionally add a way for you to specify the ConnectionFactoryStrategy via an additional InitialContext param or similar.

If that works for you, can you add a JIRA for it?

Thanks for the request!


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