On Jul 8, 2008, at 8:47 AM, chawax wrote:

And two interfaces, generated everytime too :
- @javax.ejb.Local interface EmployeeServiceLocal extends EmployeeService
- interface EmployeeService
I also have a ejb-jar.xml file with EJB defined as following :


The issue is <local> must refer to interfaces that extend javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject, i.e. the old style EJB 2.x interfaces. You just need to update your descriptor to use the <business-local> element instead as in:

<business-local>t4.core.employee.EmployeeServiceLocal</business- local>

That should fix the issue. Alternatively, you can let the annotation do the work and leave EmployeeServiceLocal out of your ejb-jar.xml entirely.

I'm surprised you didn't get a validation failure. We aggressively check for all sorts of possible mistakes, such as using <business- local> where <local> should be used or using <local> where <local- home> should be used, etc. You just happened to find one we didn't check for :) Looks like a pretty important one too! We will definitely add it for the next release.

Thanks in advance for your help ;)

No problem!

And congratulations for the good job made on OpenEJB. I tried to use other embedded containers (JBoss Embedded, Glassfish embedded, EJB3Unit, ...) and met so many bugs I could not make them work. I am not far to succeed with
Open EJB !

Thank you very much for the positive feedback, we definitely appreciate it.


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