
There is an example in the openejb examples zip file on the download page at Download the file. This file contains a directory named
simple-webservice. If you have maven installed on your machine, then you can
navigate to that directory and run mvn clean install.
The simple-webservice/src/main/java directory contains the source code of
the web service
The simple-webservice/src/test/java directory containst the JUnit unit test
(which acts as a client)

Right now if you look at the pom.xml which comes with the example, it has a
dependency on 3.0 of openejb-cxf. When you run this test, it will fail
because of a bug which was later fixed. So, to make sure you can run the
test succssfully, please change that dependency to 3.1-SNAPSHOT. Here is the
updated dependency in pom.xml


On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 6:32 AM, Christian Schuhegger <

> Hello,
> I could not find any documentation talking about the @WebService
> annotations. Does OpenEJB3.0 support the jax-ws annotations? Are there any
> examples?
> Thanks,
> --
> Christian Schuhegger

Karan Singh Malhi

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