Hi List,

I am not sure, the following will concern all of you. On the other hand, I
expect some of the developers listening here. Also this may be a known

The problem is when running a test using eclipse & maven, the results
differ, depending on the location in the file system.
A BLANK (' ') in the file location (e.g.: of the configuration) makes the

This is not new, but nevertheless often forgotten:

      There is a difference between URL and URI: a URL must mask BLANKS
(with '%20'). A well formed file location is NOT a well formed URL!
      A file location can be converted to an URL:  file.toURI().toURL()
which yields something like 'file:/C:/openejb.xml'.
      You have to catch (MalformedURLException e) in this case.

      Eclipse file search on openejb3 source code (677505) found 51
occurences of 'toURL()' and only 1 toURI().toURL().

Is this totally wacko? Any comemnts ?

Can I help ?

Is this fixed in some version ? Is it gonna be fixed ?
Is it  feature ?

mit freundlichen Grüßen/best regards

Wolfgang Schrecker

"In mathematics, to exist is to be construed."
from Shapiro: The Oxford Handbook of PHILOSOPHY OF MATHEMATICS AND LOGIC S.


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