
I do not know much about this part of OpenEJB, but can definitely try and
look into it after work today.

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 2:54 PM, Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez <

> Well, after some debugging, I've realized that a TomcatSecurityService
> is used, which uses the tomcat's engine default realm (the one that uses
> tomcat-users.xml).
> The point is: how to configure it to use my context-specific realm?
> I have a JAASRealm configured to use my LoginModule, just didn't
> realized how to do it...
> Thanks in advance.
> Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez
> Luis Fernando Planella Gonzalez escreveu:
>  > Hi all!
> > I'm using openejb for tomcat integration, and I'm stuck trying to
> > setup the JAAS user validation.
> > Here are my questions:
> >
> >    1. I've seen on the docs that I might change the conf/login.config,
> >       but that is a file that only exists on the standalone server,
> >       right? How can I setup a login module that validates the
> >       credentials?
> >    2. I'm working on a web application which may have several
> >       instances deployed in the same tomcat, so I don't want to use
> >       the standard tomcat JAASUserRealm because it would require
> >       setting up each context in a login.config file (and I don't need
> >       user validation in the web layer). Is it correct to pass the
> >       identity / credentials in the InitialContext properties?
> >
> > I'm almost pullin my hair out of my head with this! :-)
> > Thanks!
> >

Karan Singh Malhi

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