> Also, we have an OpenEJB, Maven, Hibernate example here that may
> help.
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openejb/trunk/openejb3/examples/jpa-
> hibernate/
[Marcin Kwapisz] 
After a little investigation I am almost sure that the problem is with 
hibernate, not within OpenEJB. Hibernate cannot find (it should create) table 
PERSONENT (from annotation @SecondaryTable
(name="PERSONENT",[EMAIL PROTECTED](name= "ID")}) that why OpenEJB does not 
register my EJBs and I get lookup errors then. The only confusing thing was:
org.apache.openejb.OpenEJBException: createApplication.failed 

but when I have updated Hibernate to version 3.2.6 and hibernate-entitymanager 
to 3.3.2, I get:

org.apache.openejb.OpenEJBException: createApplication.failed 
org.hibernate.AssertionFailure: Table PERSONENT not found. 

I think this is the right exception.

Marcin Kwapisz
Division of Computer Networks
Technical Univeristy of Lodz, Poland

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