On Tue, 2008-08-26 at 11:12 -0700, David Blevins wrote:
> On Aug 26, 2008, at 5:23 AM, Martin Vysny wrote:
> > Many thanks for clarifying on how the locks works! One more question,
> > just to be 100% sure :) . Recently I studied the java memory model a  
> > bit
> > (there is beautiful FAQ located at [1]) and I'd like to ask:
> >
> > Let's assume that the execution exited some method m1 protected by
> > Lock.READ (or Lock.WRITE) and is about to enter some method m2 (in the
> > same Singleton bean) protected by Lock.WRITE. Is any operation invoked
> > in method m1 guaranteed to "happen-before" any operation invoked in
> > method m2?
> Those details are better described on this page:
>   http://cwiki.apache.org/OPENEJBx30/singleton-beans.html
> I've slightly tweaked it to make the connection with ReadWriteLock  
> stronger and to explicitly mention we use a ReentrantReadWriteLock.   
> Hopefully people will follow those links.
> Here are a couple quotes from those docs that answer your questions a  
> little more specifically:
>    All ReadWriteLock implementations must guarantee that the
>    memory synchronization effects of writeLock operations (as
>    specified in the Lock interface) also hold with respect to the
>    associated readLock. That is, a thread successfully acquiring
>    the read lock will see all updates made upon previous release
>    of the write lock.
>      -- 
> http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/locks/ReadWriteLock.html
>    Reentrancy also allows downgrading from the write lock to a
>    read lock, by acquiring the write lock, then the read lock and
>    then releasing the write lock. However, upgrading from a read
>    lock to the write lock is not possible.
>      -- 
> http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantReadWriteLock.html
> We could probably quote some of those two javadocs if there were one  
> or two really critical things we think people should know above all  
> else.  If you have any thoughts on that regard that'd be great.
> -David

Thanks David, the documentation now answers my question very clearly. I
think you could explicitly quote this sentence: "That is, a thread
successfully acquiring the read lock will see all updates made upon
previous release of the write lock." - it sums an answer to the question
very nicely and simply. However, I have no other questions, the
documentation is perfect, thanks :)

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