
> We don't have any functionality for supplying an alternate ejb-jar.xml
> for testing purposes.  It's not a bad idea and is something we might
> be able to add after we get the 3.1 release out the door.

[Marcin Kwapisz] 
My Maven2 profile is as follows. <resource> directs to folder 
src/test/resources/Toplink (METAINF) where modified ejb-jar.xml and 
persistence.xml exist.

> This might be because the ejb-jar.xml is with the ejbs that are
> annotated.
[Marcin Kwapisz] 
Correct me if I am wrong: when ejb-jar is empty OpenEJB process all class files 
(in classes and test-classes) and looks for annotated EJBs. When ejb-jar is 
modified, OpenEJB process that file and looks for annotated EJBs in 
test-classes only.

Marcin Kwapisz
Division of Computer Networks
Technical Univeristy of Lodz, Poland

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