> Sorry for the delay -- we're a bit backed up at the moment :)

No problem!

> I see. This is a very different approach to accessing the bean than  
> via SOAP as shown in the other article.  With SOAP you have 100%  
> native client.  This technique uses java on the client which as a  
> result is going to use our binary protocol to do the remote  
> invocations.  This is fine.  If you go this route you'll need to  
> follow a different example, the one I created for you won't work.  The  
> main difference is that you'd remove the @WebService and then you'd  
> need to add an @Remote interface.  The "component-interfaces" example  
> matches that article the best as it uses the old style home/remote  
> interfaces.  A newer approach would be to follow the "telephone- 
> stateful" example.

Lets take the SOAP route for now, and access the Calculator service from
PHP. Once this is done I can think about getting a web service set up for
MySQL database access via JDBC type 4 or JNDI (required for the IDMS
database JDBC driver), and then calling this from PHP. If it all works well
I can implement this into the IDMS config - just change the JNDI / JDBC
configs hopefully?

> I suspect though that there's going to be a slight learning curve on  
> either one, though.

I'm ready for it!

> Which startup script are you referring to?  If you mean the tomcat/bin/ 
> startup.sh than, no, you don't need to modify that.  We'll find our  
> libraries and load them automatically.

My .bashrc file for Linux startup. I dont think this applies.

> One idea for you as I know getting started in a new technology is  
> extremely difficult due to all the very large pieces that have to be  
> learned before much of anything can be done.  Rather than buying bunch  
of books, you might try finding the mailing list for the local java  
> user group and offering a 100 bucks and a few beers (or coffees and  
> snacks) for an afternoon side by side hacking.  Just let them know  
> what your trying to do and what technologies you're using (PHP, EJB,  
> JDBC, Servlets).  In this economy there's guaranteed to be a few  
> people who'd take you up on that offer.  Will be the best 100 you ever  
> spent.

Agreed, is this forum US based? I am in the UK, I wonder if there is anyone
here willing to do that??

As for SOAP and PHP, I now have the SOAP extension installed - I recompiled
PHP with --enable-soap and its now available in PHP as an extension.

Do I have to install SOAP for Tomcat and Apache2 too? I've deployed axis2 as
the war file in Tomcat - I don't even know if I need it though. Is there a
version of SOAP I also need for Apache2? I'm getting a bit confused as to
what is required.

Can I access the Calculator web service using the PHP SOAP extension without
adding axis2 or any other SOAP service for Apache2 and Tomcat? Or is axis2

I've got to a point now where I'm stuck again - I saw that you gave me the

> As an FYI, the client-side SOAP message associated with that call   
> looks like this: 

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";> 
     <ns1:multiply xmlns:ns1="http://superbiz.org/wsdl";> 

Where do I insert this config? Do I need to deploy the Calculator web
service using the axis2 admin tool? I get the feeling that I need to
configure the web service for SOAP in axis2, and then access it via PHP -
but I am not sure if this is correct. 

Could you give me some pointers how to configure the SOAP side of things for
I've searched google for "access EJB using SOAP PHP" and came across the
following files:

http://www.devx.com/Java/Article/21707   - the original article I looked at
which mentions using axis and the NuSOAP library for work with SOAP in PHP.
So are these required?

http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-phpws/  - once I get
to the WSDL config part, I get confused - do I need a WSDL file, and where
would it be located in my Tomcat app server? What does the WDSL look like
for the Calculator service? Is it just the same as the XML file that I can
access using www.localhost.com:8080/Calculator?wsdl

Sorry that my questions are really poor quality, but I've got really
confused and prety stuck. 

I will search for some doc's on how to access the Calculator service using
PHP elsewhere, but can you tell me which variables I will need to access -
is it add or multiply?

Any help will be fantastic again.
king regards

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