
Took me a while and  help from David Blevins, but we figured out a solution
to the issues concerning applets. I have created an example which you can
checkout from our svn repository. Read the README.txt of the example first
before you try to run the example. I have tried to be as detailed as
possible in the README.txt, if you have any suggestions to improve the
instructions in it, that would be really appreciated. The maven pom.xml is
not perfect and kind of tries to do some tasks twice -- like signing jar
files (which should not affect the final outcome of the example).

Here is  the link to the README.txt in case you want to quickly go over the

On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 2:30 AM, Karan Malhi <karan.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You would need to sign your applet. A good tutorial on how to do that is
> available here
> http://www-personal.umich.edu/~lsiden/tutorials/signed-applet/signed-applet.html<http://www-personal.umich.edu/%7Elsiden/tutorials/signed-applet/signed-applet.html>
> Also, make sure to sign openejb-client.jar too. This will get you past the
> above restriction, however I still could not get it to work (though I got
> past the security restrictions). I wrote a desktop client and it works fine.
> Need to dig deeper into it.
> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 11:27 AM, mgyh <mgi...@comsys.com> wrote:
>> Your suggestions did get me past my initial problem.  I guess that I did
>> not
>> realize that the applet was running in a separate VM.  I don't think that
>> I
>> completely understand that.  I'll do some reading on the side to get a
>> better grasp of this.
>> However, once I made these changes, I get an AccessControlException as
>> follows:
>> java.security.AccessControlException: access denied
>> (java.util.PropertyPermission /QdbBeanLocal read)
>> could you offer suggestions to get past this?  QdbBeanLocal is my JNDI
>> name
>> for my bean, which is located successfully from jsp.  I have tried the
>> following unsuccessfully:
>> 1) I tried the JNDI name QdbBeanRemote also
>> 2) I added the following permissions to Tomcat's catalina.policy file
>>    permission  org.apache.naming.JndiPermission
>> "jndi://localhost/QdbBean", "read";
>>    permission  org.apache.naming.JndiPermission
>> "jndi://localhost/QdbBeanLocal", "read";
>>    permission  org.apache.naming.JndiPermission
>> "jndi://localhost/QdbBeanRemote", "read";
>> 3) restarted Tomcat
>> no luck. I am not particularly good at understanding security policy.
>>  What
>> am I missing?
>> KMalhi wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Here is what you would need to do to make it work. Firstly, you would
>> need
>> > to add the following jars in the root directory of your webapp --
>> > javaee-api.jar and  openejb-client.jar (you can copy these from
>> > <Tomcat-install>/webapps/openejb/lib ).
>> > Update the Applet code as shown (notice that we are not using
>> > LocalInitialContextFactory here)
>> >
>> >             Properties props = new Properties();
>> >
>> >
>> props.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,"org.apache.openejb.client.RemoteInitialContextFactory");
>> >             props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,    "
>> >";);
>> >             Context ctx = new InitialContext(props);
>> > Update the HTML as shown -- notice the archive attribute which has the
>> > comma
>> > separated list of jars needed by the applet (the version of jars on your
>> > machine might be different than mine- but that should not matter)
>> > <applet
>> >  codebase = "."
>> >  code     = "qdbapplets.MyApplet.class"
>> >  name     = "TestApplet"
>> >  width    = "400"
>> >  height   = "300"
>> >  hspace   = "0"
>> >  vspace   = "0"
>> >  align    = "top"
>> > archive="openejb-client-3.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar,javaee-api-5.0-1.jar"
>> >>
>> > </applet>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >> What is the
>> >> > difference between the successful JSP code and the unsuccessful java
>> >> > applet?  I did add the openejb-core-3.1.jar to my classpath, but this
>> >> > didn't work.  Any ideas?
>> >>
>> > JSP is running in the same VM as openejb, hence you can use
>> > LocalInitialContextFactory. Applet runs in a separate VM, hence it would
>> > need RemoteInitialContextFactory
>> >
>> > In order to get more information, please refer to this page --
>> > http://openejb.apache.org/3.0/clients.html
>> >
>> > --
>> > Karan Singh Malhi
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://www.nabble.com/Cannot-instantiate-class%3A-org.openejb.client.LocalInitialContextFactory-tp21965469p21999832.html
>> Sent from the OpenEJB User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> --
> Karan Singh Malhi

Karan Singh Malhi

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