On Sep 1, 2009, at 6:07 AM, uglything wrote:

Hello everyone.

After having worked on something else (conception mainly with loads of UML2)
I'm coming back to the Plain Old Java Coding...

I'm willing to give a try to the @Remote concepts which I don't know at all. Basically, I have an OpenEJB + Tomcat combo hosting my server application which itself contains many @Remote classes. On the other hand I want the same combo hosting my client application which rely on the remoted classes
from the server.

I would like to know if ther is some kind of configuration to "let the
server InitialContext merge into the client InitialContext" might sound ridiculous and/or naïve... Just let me know... but as far as I've searched I
don't find anything of interrest...
What I've done so far - 80% of code monkey copy/paste your examples - is starting a OpenEJB + Tomcat server and starting a JUnit test case with a RemoteInitialContextFactory linked to the server through httpejbd (I guess)
whithout problem. I can easily hit the remoted beans that works great.
But this initial context does not discover my client ejbs as the
LocalInitialContextFactory does.

If by client ejbs you mean the @LocalClient injection support, then right, the RemoteInitialContextFactory doesn't yet support that. We do plan to add support for an @RemoteClient which will work with the RemoteInitialContextFactory in a similar way. There's a jira you can watch if you want to keep updated on progress there:

https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ViewIssue.jspa?id=12425175&watch=true (for notifications)

On the other hand, I didn't find anything to tell a
LocalInitialContextFactory to search also into a remote directory...
So far my only guess is to manually create a Locator-like object wrapping a RemoteICF and make manual lookups into it. Maybe it's just the way to go...

Right, at the moment a service locator is the best approach.


We have some code in the openejb-client jar you can use or copy:


Another question arises from that...
Is there any support to propagate a transaction started from the client to the server ? It seems that this is an optional requierement of the EJB3

There hasn't been any demand for it, but if you need it we can put it on the list.

BTW : Is there any registering to do to post answers to other people's
questions ? I would like to pay back a little for your great support by
helping some people here (up to my little knowledge though)

That's fantastic. We can always use more help on the user list and elsewhere. We're a small team and every bit helps. Feel free to jump in anytime. You can post through nabble or by sending mail directly to the list.


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