
Could you tell me please

how to Transfer the Transaction to a Remote EJB 3.0?:

|@Local or @Remote  |                               |  @Remote Bean B     |
|       Bean A               |     transfers Tx1       |
|                                |  ---------------->        |   receives
Tx1            |
|    starts Tx1 :            |       invocation          |
context                  |
| @REQUIRES_NEW |                               | @MANDATORY         |

EJB are Stateless EJB.

Invocation is made through a InitialContext with (bean B) Server Properties.

When I run this code on server openejb-3.1.4 I get a
TransactionRequiredLocalException because no Transaction context is
propagated from Bean A to Bean B.

This works if InitialContextFactory is
although only local VM calls are made. ( no tcp )

Thank you.

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