Hey all,

I'm wondering why  Subject.getSubject( AccessController.getContext() )
always returns null when used from within an EJB. I create the EJB using an

           Properties p = new Properties();
            p.put( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,
"org.apache.openejb.client.LocalInitialContextFactory" );
            p.put( "java.naming.security.principal", "joe" ); 
            p.put( "java.naming.security.credentials", "cool" );
            p.put( "openejb.authentication.realmName", "PropertiesLogin" );

            InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext( p );

            SecurityChainLetterLocal localBean = (SecurityChainLetterLocal)
ctx.lookup( "SecurityChainLetterBeanLocal" );

What I'm trying to achieve is to store a token in either the UserPrincipal
or Private Credentials of the subject that I can use to communicate with
another system from my EJB.

I can't obtain the subject using the above method because I think that
AccessController.getContext() returns just the Default OpenEJB context.

I also tried to access the principal using the SessionContext obtained using

public SessionContext sctx;
Principal p = sctx.getCallerPrincipal();

This prints the name of my principal and when debugging I can see the
principal (and the LoginContext and the subject) that tomcat has generated.

I have configured JAAS Realm as the following in the server.xml 

<Realm appName="MyToken" 

My problem is that the Principal "p" is
which is a protected static class within the TomcatSecurityService so I am
unable to obtain the GenericPrincipal that TomcatUser stores in the private
variable tomcatPrincipal.

I am using Tomcat 6.0 and openEJB 3.1.4.

Any help would be appreciated.


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