On Feb 3, 2012, at 3:41 AM, john70 wrote:

> Hi all,
> I know you are very busy. But my question is still not answered.
> Are you planning (I mean real planning and not a hypothetical one) to add
> Jetty support or not?

Had a partial response crafted, but not finished.  The "who cares about 
certification" response was perfect -- thank you.  Any other response would 
have been a clear no in terms of Jetty support.  Taking certification off the 
table, we've used Jetty ourselves for years in our build.  Primarily for JAX-RS 
and JAX-WS endpoints as well as the ability to run our EJBd protocol over HTTP 
via Jetty.  So that part is easy and simply having Jetty "there" is easy.  
There've been people who've used them together by just booting Jetty in code 
and OpenEJB in code (both are really better embeddable) and then just having 
the servlets lookup the EJBs via global JNDI over the 

The part that has historically been missing in Jetty terms is the injection 
support of various Java EE things into Servlets, Filters, etc.  I.e. wiring the 
things that Jetty controls into the overall server.  Jan and I have chatted a 
couple times on that part.

We definitely have everything else on that list.  In fact, it sounds a lot like 
what Andy Gumbrecht is using, minus Jetty of course (or if he is using it, it's 
news to me).

Give me the weekend to look over all that code and see what the story is.  Also 
let me know which major version of Jetty you want -- I assume the latest.


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