On Feb 17, 2012, at 10:03 AM, Charles Moulliard wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a maven plugin to use OpenEJB in embedded more like we can do with
> Glassfish
>                <groupId>org.glassfish</groupId>
>                <artifactId>maven-embedded-glassfish-plugin</artifactId>
>                <version>3.1.1</version>
> If this is not the case, what do you suggest/recommend to create a Boostrap
> class to launch OpenEJB and deploy a WAR ?

Romain has one started here:


That will do the server start and war deployment.  Not yet released and I don't 
think there are snapshots deployed for it either.

If you don't need the .war support, then EJBContainer API is a great way to 
bootstrap something in a vm.  Here are two examples that do it:


That API can now also boot TomEE Embedded if you specify 
"EJBContainer.PROVIDER" to "tomee-embedded".

There's also the Arquillian adapter which can allow you to test the same code 
in all flavors of TomEE and plain OpenEJB.  Here's an example pom.


There's a profile for each server setup.  One for glassfish-embedded too, 
though that one stopped working for some reason.  It was nice to have in there 
for the occasional sanity check.


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