As promised :)


On Apr 26, 2012, at 2:39 PM, David Blevins wrote:

> Now that we have the trunk/sandbox/release-tools it should be easy to do.
> If I get time I'll see if I can pull that together for the current and future 
> binaries.
> Currently trying to figure out what to do with the -1 vote.
> -David
> On Apr 26, 2012, at 12:44 PM, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
>> Personaly i look poms but if somebody can perl it it is the best ;)
>> Le 26 avr. 2012 21:13, "Jean-Louis MONTEIRO" <> a écrit :
>>> If we can automate the process why not.
>>> I usually just open a distro to look what's inside.
>>> JLouis
>>> Le 26 avril 2012 20:59, David Blevins <> a écrit :
>>>> We had the versions on that page originally.  Then once we released
>>> beta-2
>>>> the obvious problem of which versions to document presented itself :)
>>>> On the general topic of "what's inside"  maybe we can do a "unzip -l
>>>> >" and put that in the downloads directory and
>>> link
>>>> to it from the downloads page as "browse" or something.  Then people
>>> could
>>>> easily see what is inside.
>>>> Thoughts?
>>>> -David
>>>> On Apr 26, 2012, at 9:43 AM, José Luis Cetina wrote:
>>>>> What version of MyFaces and MyFaces CODI is TomEE using in beta2?
>>>>> Where i can see all the versions, in the page only says:
>>>>> - *CDI* - Apache OpenWebBeans   -- Version???
>>>>> - *EJB* - Apache OpenEJB  -- Version???
>>>>> - *JPA* - Apache OpenJPA  -- Version???
>>>>> - *JSF* - Apache MyFaces  -- Version???
>>>>> - *JSP* - Apache Tomcat  -- Version???
>>>>> - *JSTL* - Apache Tomcat  -- Version???
>>>>> - *JTA* - Apache Geronimo Transaction  -- Version???
>>>>> - *Servlet* - Apache Tomcat  -- Version???
>>>>> - *Javamail* - Apache Geronimo JavaMail  -- Version???
>>>>> - *Bean Validation* - Apache Bean Validation  -- Version???
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> --
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> *SCJA. José Luis Cetina*
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------

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