On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 11:35 PM, Romain Manni-Bucau

> cool if you can hack on it :)

Definitely happy to work on it if would be useful.

> about certification that's more complicated, certifying jetty+openejb is
> not certifying embedded jetty+openejb (same for tomcat). But well that's
> not so far ;)

Agreed. I imagine we'd need some sort of OpenEJB/Jetty pre-configured
bundle if we were to try and certify it. My hope would be that the
integration would work in a way that it could be wired up easily enough
using the Jetty API so that the embedded scenario is as close to a
pre-configured bundle as possible. Maybe something like adding a
OpenEJBWebAppContext to a server instead of WebAppContext perhaps?


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