Thanks for your help. Attached a sample project. It has everything setup. It's based on the JSF example from Tomee docs. I have setup your Maven Tomee plugin to include needed dependencies. To reproduce the issue:
1- Unzip 2- run mvn package where you unzipped the project 3- run mvn tomee:run 4- go to localhost:8080/calculator.xhtml 5- click the add button, it'll start a conversation to redirect to result.xhtml 6- click on button to end conversation, it should take you back to calculator.xhtml. But it stays on the same page. I also include a static link inside a form post, when click it the same as above, it stays on the same page. Finally, I don't have this part in sample project, but another unusual behavior after I migrated the project is that any ajax request causes the whole page to be rendered. Nothing in logs and there is no way to know what's going on. I tested the above in Chrome. In IE it does not seem to work well with myFaces, it complains about this: "no saved view state could be found for the view identifier myfaces" . -- View this message in context: Sent from the OpenEJB User mailing list archive at