How is managed openejb? New initialcontext? Ejbcontainer? Openejb runner?
Snapshot arquiilian adapter? Applicationcompozer?

If on of the two first i mentionned do you call close?

The best is probably to share a test class removing your business part, is
it possible?

- Romain
Le 17 juil. 2012 08:54, <> a écrit :

> Hi Romain
> yes, see stack trace of the hanging thread below. After some more
> investigation it looks like it's hanging while trying to get database
> connections from the connection pool. Seems that connectins are not
> properly freed and returned to the pool?
> Any help is appreciated.
> Klaus
> Thread [main] (Suspended)
>         waiting for: GenericObjectPool$Latch  (id=146)
>         Object.wait(long) line: not available [native method]
>         GenericObjectPool$Latch(Object).wait() line: 485 [local variables
> unavailable]
>         GenericObjectPool.borrowObject() line: 1115
>         ManagedConnection.updateTransactionStatus() line: 117
>         ManagedConnection.<init>(ObjectPool, TransactionRegistry, boolean)
> line: 55
>         ManagedDataSource.getConnection() line: 77
>         BasicManagedDataSource(BasicDataSource).getConnection() line: 1044
>         DecoratingDataSource(DelegatingDataSource).getConnection() line:
> 110
>         DecoratingDataSource.getConnection() line: 87
>         JDBCStoreManager.connectInternal() line: 960
>         JDBCStoreManager.connect(boolean) line: 945
>         JDBCStoreManager.getConnection() line: 240
>         FinderQueryImpl.execute(OpenJPAStateManager, StoreManager,
> FetchConfiguration) line: 139
>         JDBCStoreManager.getInitializeStateResult(OpenJPAStateManager,
> ClassMapping, JDBCFetchConfiguration, int) line: 537
>         JDBCStoreManager.initializeState(OpenJPAStateManager, PCState,
> JDBCFetchConfiguration, ConnectionInfo) line: 349
>         JDBCStoreManager.initialize(OpenJPAStateManager, PCState,
> FetchConfiguration, Object) line: 304
>  ROPStoreManager(DelegatingStoreManager).initialize(OpenJPAStateManager,
> PCState, FetchConfiguration, Object) line: 112
>         ROPStoreManager.initialize(OpenJPAStateManager, PCState,
> FetchConfiguration, Object) line: 57
>         BrokerImpl.initialize(StateManagerImpl, boolean,
> FetchConfiguration, Object) line: 1036
>         BrokerImpl.find(Object, FetchConfiguration, BitSet, Object, int,
> FindCallbacks) line: 994
>         BrokerImpl.find(Object, boolean, FindCallbacks) line: 911
>         DelegatingBroker.find(Object, boolean, FindCallbacks) line: 231
>         EntityManagerImpl.find(Class<T>, Object) line: 487
>         JtaEntityManager.find(Class<T>, Object) line: 157
>         MmData(BasicDataService).findById(Class<T>, U) line: 96
>         GeneratedMethodAccessor208.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: not
> available
>         DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25
>         Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 597
> ReflectionInvocationContext$BeanInvocation(ReflectionInvocationContext$Invocation).invoke()
> line: 181
>         ReflectionInvocationContext.proceed() line: 163
>         StatsInterceptor.record(InvocationContext, Method) line: 176
>         StatsInterceptor.invoke(InvocationContext) line: 95
>         GeneratedMethodAccessor86.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: not
> available
>         DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25
>         Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 597
> ReflectionInvocationContext$InterceptorInvocation(ReflectionInvocationContext$Invocation).invoke()
> line: 181
>         ReflectionInvocationContext.proceed() line: 163
>         CdiInterceptor.invoke(InvocationContext) line: 129
>         CdiInterceptor.access$000(CdiInterceptor, InvocationContext) line:
> 45
>         CdiInterceptor$ line: 66
>         CdiInterceptor.aroundInvoke(InvocationContext) line: 72
>         GeneratedMethodAccessor85.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: not
> available
>         DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25
>         Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 597
> ReflectionInvocationContext$InterceptorInvocation(ReflectionInvocationContext$Invocation).invoke()
> line: 181
>         ReflectionInvocationContext.proceed() line: 163
>         InterceptorStack.invoke(Object...) line: 138
>         StatelessContainer._invoke(Method, Method, Object[], Instance,
> ThreadContext, InterfaceType) line: 226
>         StatelessContainer.invoke(Object, InterfaceType, Class, Method,
> Object[], Object) line: 178
> StatelessEjbObjectHandler(EjbObjectProxyHandler).synchronizedBusinessMethod(Class<?>,
> Method, Object[], Object) line: 260
>  StatelessEjbObjectHandler(EjbObjectProxyHandler).businessMethod(Class<?>,
> Method, Object[], Object) line: 240
>         StatelessEjbObjectHandler(EjbObjectProxyHandler)._invoke(Object,
> Class, Method, Object[]) line: 91
>         StatelessEjbObjectHandler(BaseEjbProxyHandler).invoke(Object,
> Method, Object[]) line: 284
>         $Proxy98.findById(Class, Object) line: not available
>         InvoiceServiceLoadHelper.loadInvoiceHeaderEntity(Long,
> InventoryManagementContainer) line: 217
>         InvoiceServiceImpl.saveInvoiceItem(UserContainer, InvoiceItem,
> Long, Short, InvoiceItemResponse) line: 381
> InventoryManagementLogicEJB.saveInvoiceItem_aroundBody46(InventoryManagementLogicEJB,
> UserContainer, InvoiceItem, Long, Short, JoinPoint) line: 234
> InventoryManagementLogicEJB.saveInvoiceItem_aroundBody47$advice(InventoryManagementLogicEJB,
> UserContainer, InvoiceItem, Long, Short, JoinPoint, LogicServiceAspect,
> AroundClosure, JoinPoint$StaticPart, JoinPoint) line: 117
> InventoryManagementLogicEJB.saveInvoiceItem_aroundBody48(InventoryManagementLogicEJB,
> UserContainer, InvoiceItem, Long, Short, JoinPoint) line: 1
> InventoryManagementLogicEJB.saveInvoiceItem_aroundBody49$advice(InventoryManagementLogicEJB,
> UserContainer, InvoiceItem, Long, Short, JoinPoint, GuardAspect,
> AroundClosure, JoinPoint) line: 135
>         InventoryManagementLogicEJB.saveInvoiceItem(UserContainer,
> InvoiceItem, Long, Short) line: 1
>         NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Method, Object, Object[]) line:
> not available [native method]
>         NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 39
>         DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25
>         Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 597
> ReflectionInvocationContext$BeanInvocation(ReflectionInvocationContext$Invocation).invoke()
> line: 181
>         ReflectionInvocationContext.proceed() line: 163
>         StatsInterceptor.record(InvocationContext, Method) line: 176
>         StatsInterceptor.invoke(InvocationContext) line: 95
>         GeneratedMethodAccessor86.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: not
> available
>         DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25
>         Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 597
> ReflectionInvocationContext$InterceptorInvocation(ReflectionInvocationContext$Invocation).invoke()
> line: 181
>         ReflectionInvocationContext.proceed() line: 163
>         CdiInterceptor.invoke(InvocationContext) line: 129
>         CdiInterceptor.access$000(CdiInterceptor, InvocationContext) line:
> 45
>         CdiInterceptor$ line: 66
>         CdiInterceptor.aroundInvoke(InvocationContext) line: 72
>         GeneratedMethodAccessor85.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: not
> available
>         DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25
>         Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 597
> ReflectionInvocationContext$InterceptorInvocation(ReflectionInvocationContext$Invocation).invoke()
> line: 181
>         ReflectionInvocationContext.proceed() line: 163
>         InterceptorStack.invoke(Object...) line: 138
>         StatelessContainer._invoke(Method, Method, Object[], Instance,
> ThreadContext, InterfaceType) line: 226
>         StatelessContainer.invoke(Object, InterfaceType, Class, Method,
> Object[], Object) line: 178
> StatelessEjbObjectHandler(EjbObjectProxyHandler).synchronizedBusinessMethod(Class<?>,
> Method, Object[], Object) line: 260
>  StatelessEjbObjectHandler(EjbObjectProxyHandler).businessMethod(Class<?>,
> Method, Object[], Object) line: 240
>         StatelessEjbObjectHandler(EjbObjectProxyHandler)._invoke(Object,
> Class, Method, Object[]) line: 91
>         StatelessEjbObjectHandler(BaseEjbProxyHandler).invoke(Object,
> Method, Object[]) line: 284
>         $Proxy97.saveInvoiceItem(UserContainer, InvoiceItem, Long, Short)
> line: not available
>         InvoiceServiceImplTest.testSaveInvoiceItemNoAmount() line: 882
>         NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Method, Object, Object[]) line:
> not available [native method]
>         NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 39
>         DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25
>         Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 597
>         FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall() line: 44
>         FrameworkMethod$1(ReflectiveCallable).run() line: 15
>         FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(Object, Object...) line: 41
>         InvokeMethod.evaluate() line: 20
>         RunBefores.evaluate() line: 28
>         RunBeforeTestMethodCallbacks.evaluate() line: 74
>         RunAfters.evaluate() line: 31
>         RunAfterTestMethodCallbacks.evaluate() line: 82
>         SpringRepeat.evaluate() line: 72
>         SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(FrameworkMethod, RunNotifier)
> line: 231
>         SpringJUnit4ClassRunner(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner).runChild(Object,
> RunNotifier) line: 49
>         ParentRunner$ line: 193
>         ParentRunner$1.schedule(Runnable) line: 52
>         SpringJUnit4ClassRunner(ParentRunner<T>).runChildren(RunNotifier)
> line: 191
>         ParentRunner<T>.access$000(ParentRunner, RunNotifier) line: 42
>         ParentRunner$2.evaluate() line: 184
>         RunBeforeTestClassCallbacks.evaluate() line: 61
>         RunAfterTestClassCallbacks.evaluate() line: 70
>         SpringJUnit4ClassRunner(ParentRunner<T>).run(RunNotifier) line:
> 236
> line: 174
>         JUnit4TestClassReference(JUnit4TestReference).run(TestExecution)
> line: 50
>[]) line: 38
>         RemoteTestRunner.runTests(String[], String, TestExecution) line:
> 467
>         RemoteTestRunner.runTests(TestExecution) line: 683
> line: 390
>         RemoteTestRunner.main(String[]) line: 197
> Von:
> Romain Manni-Bucau <>
> An:
> Datum:
> 16.07.2012 17:03
> Betreff:
> Re: Unit tests hanging with openejb+dbunit+spring
> Hi,
> Any luck to get a thread stack when it hangs?
> - Romain
> Le 16 juil. 2012 16:23, <> a écrit :
> > Hi OpenEJB experts
> > We use openejb4 + DbUnit + Spring for unittesting our EJBs. Works pretty
> > well in most cases so far. But with some tests we run into a strange
> > problem:
> > If the test class has more than a certain number of test methods (e.g.
> 20
> > methods), the test simply hangs forever. It does not fail, it just hangs
> > and this is really bad for our build server. If we comment out one
> method,
> > the test runs fine. Our current workaround is to split up the test class
> > in multiple classes and then all test methods work fine, but this is
> kind
> > of a stupid fix.
> >
> > Does anybody ever encountered this behavior? Any ideas to fix this?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Klaus
> >
> >
> >
> >

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