
Thank you very much for your answer. Is the ability to remove webapps/tomee
directory a durable one?
Won't there be future "mandatory" features requiring this web app?


On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 7:29 PM, David Blevins <david.blev...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Sep 16, 2012, at 8:16 AM, Alex The Rocker wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Can the webapps/tomee directory be deleted for deploying a web app to
> > production TomEE/TomEE+ server and exposed to Internet?
> > Indeed, when delivering our app with Tomcat, we delete all default web
> apps
> > as part of a list of Tomcat hardening task list.
> >
> > Is there any TomEE/TomE++ vital content in webapps/tomee directory ?
> The only loss of functionality would be the ability to remotely execute
> EJBs over HTTP.  However this can easily be added to a different webapp
> like so:
>     <servlet>
>       <servlet-name>ServerServlet</servlet-name>
> <servlet-class>org.apache.openejb.server.httpd.ServerServlet</servlet-class>
>     </servlet>
>     <servlet-mapping>
>       <servlet-name>ServerServlet</servlet-name>
>       <url-pattern>/myejbs/*</url-pattern>
>     </servlet-mapping>
> Then you can create an `InitialContext` that points to that webapp like so:
>     Properties p = new Properties();
>     p.put("java.naming.factory.initial",
> "org.apache.openejb.client.RemoteInitialContextFactory");
>     p.put("java.naming.provider.url", "
>     // user and pass optional
>     p.put("java.naming.security.principal", "myuser");
>     p.put("java.naming.security.credentials", "mypass");
>     InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(p);
>     MyBean myBean = (MyBean) ctx.lookup("MyBeanRemote");
> -David

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