Hi Neale, 

I had the same thought and tried to grep for any other DB references. I
guess configuration is becomming a minefield. Here is the tomee.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Container id="My Singleton Container" type="SINGLETON">
  # Specifies the maximum time an invocation could wait for the
  # singleton bean instance to become available before giving up.
  # After the timeout is reached a
  # will be thrown.
  # Usable time units: nanoseconds, microsecons, milliseconds,
  # seconds, minutes, hours, days.  Or any combination such as
  # "1 hour and 27 minutes and 10 seconds"

  AccessTimeout = 30 seconds


<Container id="My Stateful Container" type="STATEFUL">
  # Specifies the maximum time an invocation could wait for the
  # stateful bean instance to become available before giving up.
  # After the timeout is reached a
  # will be thrown.
  # Usable time units: nanoseconds, microsecons, milliseconds,
  # seconds, minutes, hours, days.  Or any combination such as
  # "1 hour and 27 minutes and 10 seconds"

  AccessTimeout = 30 seconds

  #  The passivator is responsible for writing beans to disk
  #  at passivation time. Different passivators can be used
  #  by setting this property to the fully qualified class name
  #  of the PassivationStrategy implementation. The passivator
  #  is not responsible for invoking any callbacks or other
  #  processing, its only responsibly is to write the bean state
  #  to disk.
  #  Known implementations:
  #     org.apache.openejb.core.stateful.RAFPassivater
  #     org.apache.openejb.core.stateful.SimplePassivater

  Passivator   org.apache.openejb.core.stateful.SimplePassivater

  #  Specifies the time to wait between invocations. This
  #  value is measured in minutes. A value of 5 would
  #  result in a time-out of 5 minutes between invocations.
  #  A value of zero would mean no timeout.

  TimeOut  20

  # Specifies the frequency (in seconds) at which the bean cache is checked
  # idle beans.

  Frequency 60

  #  Specifies the size of the bean pools for this
  #  stateful SessionBean container.

  Capacity  1000

  #  Property name that specifies the number of instances
  #  to passivate at one time when doing bulk passivation.
  #  Must be less than the PoolSize.

  BulkPassivate  100


<Container id="My Stateless Container" type="STATELESS">

  # Specifies the time an invokation should wait for an instance
  # of the pool to become available.
  # After the timeout is reached, if an instance in the pool cannot
  # be obtained, the method invocation will fail.
  # Usable time units: nanoseconds, microsecons, milliseconds,
  # seconds, minutes, hours, days.  Or any combination such as
  # "1 hour and 27 minutes and 10 seconds"

  AccessTimeout = 30 seconds

  # Specifies the size of the bean pools for this stateless
  # SessionBean container.  If StrictPooling is not used, instances
  # will still be created beyond this number if there is demand, but
  # they will not be returned to the pool and instead will be
  # immediately destroyed.

  MaxSize = 10

  # Specifies the minimum number of bean instances that should be in
  # the pool for each bean.  Pools are prefilled to the minimum on
  # startup.  Note this will create start order dependencies between
  # other beans that also eagerly start, such as other @Stateless
  # beans with a minimum or @Singleton beans using @Startup.  The
  # @DependsOn annotation can be used to appropriately influence
  # start order.
  # The minimum pool size is rigidly maintained.  Instances in the
  # minimum side of the pool are not eligible for IdleTimeout or
  # GarbageCollection, but are subject to MaxAge and flushing.
  # If the pool is flushed it is immediately refilled to the minimum
  # size with MaxAgeOffset applied.  If an instance from the minimum
  # side of the pool reaches its MaxAge, it is also immediately
  # replaced.  Replacement is done in a background queue using the
  # number of threads specified by CallbackThreads.

  MinSize = 0

  # StrictPooling tells the container what to do when the pool
  # reaches it's maximum size and there are incoming requests that
  # need instances.
  # With strict pooling, requests will have to wait for instances to
  # become available. The pool size will never grow beyond the the
  # set MaxSize value.  The maximum amount of time a request should
  # wait is specified via the AccessTimeout setting.
  # Without strict pooling, the container will create temporary
  # instances to meet demand. The instances will last for just one
  # method invocation and then are removed.
  # Setting StrictPooling to false and MaxSize to 0 will result in
  # no pooling. Instead instances will be created on demand and live
  # for exactly one method call before being removed.

  StrictPooling = true

  # Specifies the maximum time that an instance should live before
  # it should be retired and removed from use.  This will happen
  # gracefully.  Useful for situations where bean instances are
  # designed to hold potentially expensive resources such as memory
  # or file handles and need to be periodically cleared out.
  # Usable time units: nanoseconds, microsecons, milliseconds,
  # seconds, minutes, hours, days.  Or any combination such as
  # "1 hour and 27 minutes and 10 seconds"

  MaxAge = 0 hours

  # Specifies the maximum time that an instance should be allowed to
  # sit idly in the pool without use before it should be retired and
  # removed.
  # Usable time units: nanoseconds, microsecons, milliseconds,
  # seconds, minutes, hours, days.  Or any combination such as
  # "1 hour and 27 minutes and 10 seconds"

  IdleTimeout = 0 minutes


<Resource id="avronDB" type="DataSource">
  JdbcDriver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  JdbcUrl jdbc:mysql:localhost:3306/testDB
  UserName root 
  Password milena11
  JtaManaged true

<Deployments dir="apps/" />


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