On Dec 13, 2012, at 2:01 PM, "Howard W. Smith, Jr." <smithh032...@gmail.com> 

> Thanks for the response. Guess what... the 2 beans along with the names and
> all... is exactly what I did 'yesterday', the only thing I did 'not' do was
> mark each of the beans according to what you mentioned.

Right, the annotations are a critical part.  Splitting the code and not 
changing the TransactionAttribute annotations as noted would essentially still 
result in one big transaction (i.e. no change).

Educational point; when no @TransactionAttribute is specified on an EJB, it 
defaults to @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRED)

REQUIRED basically means "join the existing transaction if possible, otherwise 
create one".  So EmailSessionBean would create a transaction in the @Schedule 
method and every method invocation on AirportShuttleRequestProcessorBean would 
just join the existing transaction.

The result:
 - one big transaction that locks all tables and doesn't let them go till 
getEmails completes
 - if email 1 from Joe fails, all email processing will fail and rollback when 
getEmail completes

So aside from a performance problem, there's a very real business logic problem.

Splitting them *and* adjusting the transaction settings will fix the business 
problem and likely help with the performance problem.  The big difference of 2 
seconds on 64-bit vs several minutes on a 32-bit is alarming and very likely a 
system issue of some kind.  That said, going down this path of shrinking 
transaction scope will help zero in on where the problem occurs.


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