Here are two solutions, both of which involve the @OrderBy annotation:

(1) If your Entities themselves contain a column on which you'd like to sort, then use the @OrderBy annotation on the collection field:

public class MyEntity
  @OrderBy("sortField") // MySortableEntity.sortField
  Collection<MySortableEntity> sortedCollection;

(2) If your Entities do not (or cannot) contain an extra field to support sorting, then you can create a separate Entity (a glorified join table) to reference original entities and contain sort info:

public class MyEntity
  @OrderBy("sortField") // MySortableProxy.sortField
  Collection<MySortableProxy> sortedCollection;

public class MySortableProxy
  protected MyUnsortableEntity entity;

  protected long sortField;

I'd written to this list a while back about some related issues:


os_developer wrote:

I wasn’t able to find a previous thread that answers
this although it does sound a bit familiar to
me...feel free to refer me to a prior thread if I’m

My goal is to be able to be able to persist a
Collection of data in a particular order (and maintain
that order when I retrieve it) and I’m hoping that
someone may be able to tell me if I am going about
this the correct way.  For example, if I have a list
B-C-A, I want to persist it and then later retrieve
that list in the same order.  The data itself isn’t
something I can just add an "order by" clause to as
the order is more time dependent.

I’ve used an orm.xml and the ReverseMappingTool to
generate my code, but even when I change the default
collection implementation to use an ordered or sorted
collection, I don’t get the expected results.  Perhaps
I’m just implementing the collection usage wrong or
this is a feature not intended to be supported in JPA?
I’d rather not modify my database schema but so far
that’s where I feel like this is leading me.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, in advance, for any help you can offer.


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