In my experience, that "fallback enhancement" mode (see 
 causes much more havoc and trouble and confusion than that it's of any use. 
(I'm not just ranting, but saying this based on experience with people starting 
to adopt an OpenJPA-based piece in-house here - more than once, problems like 
"but it does way to many too much DB access!" are because of this.)
The fact that https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENJPA-293 is still an 
Open New Feature, with five open sub-tasks (so technically this development was 
never finished, yet it's automatically activated and shows up in the official 
doc) and in e.g. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OPENJPA-444 (and may be 
others?) there are bug reports which are probably only due to this, may support 
my point of view?
It would much rather that if Entities are not enhanced at build time (which we 
do, through Maven; but sometimes a developers has Eclipse overwriting) and the 
Agent (which developers are encouraged to do when developing locally e.g. in 
JUnit Test for rapid cycles) is not in use, that instead of going to that 
"fallback enhancement" mode, it would abort and say "Use the build-time 
Enhancer or specify the Agent to Enhance at Run-Time (or deploy into a EJB 
container which does enhancement)".
How about some sort of OpenJPA configuration property for this? For backward 
compatibility, now that it's out, it probably has be remain ON by default (or 
can you make it OFF by default?), but at least give us a configuration option 
to switch this *#ç mode ;-) off! Shall I file a new JIRA Enhancement requesting 
PS: In the short term, I may make our own OpenJPA wrapper/helper stuff to 
abort... it should be relatively easy to check at start-up if some class 
implements org.apache.openjpa.enhance.PersistenceCapable (by the Enhancer), but 
how could I check if, alternatively, the Agent is actively running?

Michael Vorburger, Odyssey Financial Technologies
Direct phone:  +41 21 310 00 86 (OAMS VOIP: 1086)
Cell phone: +41 78 805 5541



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