

We are in the process of testing OpenJPA's performance on large volume.
To measure it, we uses junitperf which execute simultaneously the same
unit test in separate threads.


Some time the test succeeded, some time I get this error (which excludes
a configuration problem):

nonfatal user error> org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException:
An error occurred while parsing the query filter "SELECT e FROM
SomeEntity29 e". Error message: The name "SomeEntity29" is not a
recognized entity or identifier. Perhaps you meant SomeEntity29, which
is a close match. Known entity names: [SomeEntity18, SomeEntity19,
SomeEntity16, SomeEntity17, SomeEntity14, SomeEntity15, SomeEntity12,
SomeEntity13, SomeEntity10, SomeEntity6, SomeEntity11, SomeEntity5,
SomeEntity4, SomeEntity3, SomeEntity2, SomeEntity1, Client,
SomeEntity20, SomeEntity22, SomeEntity21, SomeEntity24, SomeEntity9,
SomeEntity23, SomeEntity26, SomeEntity8, SomeEntity7, SomeEntity25,
SomeEntity28, SomeEntity27, SomeEntity29]





As you can see in this particular execution is that SomeEntity29 is not
recognized as an entity, but it appears on the known entity names. This
lets me think the initialization continued after the error occurs and
before the error message is printed.


I tried to create and close a dummy EntityManager as proposed in some
thread on this mailing list:

emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("myUnit", p);

EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();




No success. I also tried to force the initialization of the entities by
loading the classes:

for (int i=1; i<=29; i++) {



No success too.


Any idea how to unsure the proper initialization of the EntityManager
before the first query?



(Occurred with openJPA 1.2.0 Sybase and Derby databases, sun jdk1.6) 


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