Hi Rick,

actually I use maven but I also run them all or partially in Eclipse, especially when debugging, and especially when there is some fiendish hidden static somewhere that carries over state from one test to the next, despite all the precautionary set-up and tear-down code.

Rick Curtis on 01/02/09 16:36, wrote:
Adam -
Is there some reason that you must run your batch tests from within eclipse?
If eclipse isn't a must have, I'd suggest using ant to launch your batch of
tests. That would give you the flexibility that you're looking for.


Adam Hardy (SQL) wrote:
Hi Jeremy,

your suggestion is exactly what I do, but unfortunately since I have to
specify this in Eclipse in the 'installed JRE' default VM args, I can only change it manually, so in one batch run, I can't stop OpenJPA modifying the entity beans during a Hibernate or Toplink test.


Jeremy Bauer on 30/01/09 18:17, wrote:

Provided you have your pu's defined separately, the agent allows you to
specify a particular persistence unit for enhancement.  Example:



On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Adam Hardy

Hi Kevin,

whilst on the subject, I'm using this in Eclipse too but there is one
that it appears cannot be done.

One of the projects I work on is a framework that is designed to be used
with any JPA provider, and the testing runs against OpenJPA as well as
Hibernate and Toplink Essentials.

Obviously I don't want the javaagent to act on my entity classes when
running Hibernate or Toplink, but there appears to be no easy way to
stop it
from one test to another in a batch run.

It would be interesting to know whether there are plans to abandon the
code rewriting, and what the history behind its adoption is. I would
that it's performance but I haven't had seen any comparative stats
the different JPA providers.


Kevin Sutter on 30/01/09 15:57, wrote:

Hi Gianny,
I use this all the time.  On my Run configuration for the application
am running I will put something like the following as a JVM argument...


This should kick in the PCEnhancerAgent for the Entity classes that are
being loaded.


On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 3:53 AM, Gianny Damour <
gianny.dam...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:

I am unable to get javaagent based enhancement work within Eclipse.

Based on a cursory review of PCEnhancerAgent, I can see that no
ClassFileTransformer is installed when

      List<String> anchors = Configurations.

returns an empty list, which it does in my case when I simply specify
following JVM arg

-javaagent:<path to>/openjpa-1.2.0.jar

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