Thanks for the responses - Lots of good suggestions there.

I had the older Java 1.5.0_05 already installed and haven't bothered to update since I plan to go to 1.6. Correct me if there is any reason why I shouldn't go to 1.6.

My use case here is sort of the minimal case. Others are using an IDE or deploying on an application server where the dependencies are different.

- Paul

On 3/19/2009 2:11 PM, Jeremy Bauer wrote:
Hi Paul,

For Tomcat related information, you may be able to derive some information
from this thread [1].  It began as a data source related issue but got into
some configuration issues as well.

I've only used Tomcat 5.5 with OpenJPA.  I'm not sure about Tomcat 6, but
5.5 did not come with geronimo spec api jars (or equivalents).  Here are the
OpenJPA bundled jars that I needed to copy into the tomcat/common/lib

- openjpa-1.2.0.jar
- serp-1.13.1.jar
- geronimo-jta_1.1_spec-1.1.jar
- geronimo-jpa_3.0_spec-1.0.jar
- commons-collections-3.2.jar
- commons-lang-2.1.jar

You'll also need to make your JDBC driver jar(s) available to your app(s).
I added them to common/lib.  You may also be able to bundle all these jars
in your WAR, but I found it cleaner to make them common libs.

You may choose to use JNDI data sources with Tomcat vs. direct
configuration.  Here is a an article for configuring pooled data sources
with Tomcat.[2]  Until you make the jump to Tomcat, here is a link for
configuring pooled datasources with OpenJPA in a JSE environment using

JRE 1.5.0_05 is fairly old.  I'd try updating to a newer JRE.  I'm currently
using 1.5.0_15.  Just a guess, but something may be relying on parser
related updates in newer versions of the JRE.





On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Paul Copeland <> wrote:

I am just getting started and created a simple standalone (not in an app
server container) JPA application working with both TopLink and OpenJPA 1.2
and tested with both MySQL and Postgres.  This is with Java SE 1.5.0_05
building with Ant (not in in an IDE).

By trial and error I found I needed the jar files downloaded in the
apache-openjpa-1.2.0 lib directory. I also needed xercesImpl.jar.  I did not
find these dependencies documented in the release notes, or in the manual,
or on the Quickstart page  (

These were the necessary jars at either compile time or runtime -


Probably I will also need commons-pool-1.3.jar or something similar for
Connection pooling.

Presumably the geronimo jars are not needed in a Java 5 EE container.  I'm
not sure why xerces is required since Java SE 1.5 has a SAX parser.  I guess
all the other jars need to be deployed in the classpath in most other

This kind of dependency information might be usefully documented somewhere.
 Every new user has to figure this stuff out.

BTW - My target runtime environment will be Tomcat 6 + Java SE 1.6 +
OpenJPA 1.2 + Postgres 8.2.x

Any experience or advice about what jars are required or is this already
documented somewhere?

Thanks - Paul

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