
with OpenJPA 1.2.0 i am having some problems detaching attributes which are in a fetch-group. My persistence.xml is:

<property name="openjpa.DetachState" value="fetch- groups(DetachedStateField=true)"/>

My Domain class header:

    @FetchGroup(name="posDetail", attributes={
public class Order {

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "order", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    List<DeliveryAddress> deliveryAddresses;

(in fact i also have the @LoadFetchGroup("posDetail")  to be sure.....)

Now when i am leaving my DAO layer which means that the persistence contexts ends, the delivery address is "null" even though its in the fetch group. I even queried for the fetch group in the DAO before leaving it via:

OpenJPAQuery oQuery = OpenJPAPersistence.cast(em.createQuery("select o from Order o where o.oid = ?1"));
        oQuery.setParameter(1, oid);
// oQuery.getFetchPlan().setMaxFetchDepth(3).addFetchGroup("posDetail");
        List list = oQuery.getResultList();
        if(list != null && list.size() > 0)  {
            return (Order)list.iterator().next();

I know it must be a detach issue because with the following persistence.xml it works (but i definitely wont use this config in production)

<property name="openjpa.DetachState" value="all"/>

Am i missing something here? When i debug my DAO, the deliveryAddress attribute is populated but as soon as i leave my DAO, its lost.

Marc Logemann

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